Thursday, August 26, 2010

It's been forever!

So much has been going on that I have been neglecting my blog! I am really hoping to use this as a way to keep track of what is going on with the kids but this internet connection here in the boonies makes uploading pictures a nightmare!

Well, my baby girl, most likely my last baby, is now one year old. ONE! Actually 13 months! So here is the run down of Miss Madelinn at 13 months old:

She started walking 2 days after her birthday and took off like she had been doing it forever. She has been so proud of herself! Now, recently, she learned to turn in circles untils she can barely stand up and she giggles the whole time. She also has this extremely high pitched giggle that she does when she gets excited and I am really hoping to catch it on video sometime soon before she stops doing it. She loves it when Wyatt chases her around and around the kitchen island or when she is getting into something she knows she shouldn't be and hears us coming to get her. Situations like those are where we get this ADORABLE laugh and I LOVE it!

She is sleeping around 12 hours at night still, takes 2 one to two hour naps a day (sometimes more depending on the day), is wearing 12 or 18 month clothing and size 5 shoes. Her favorite toys are Wyatt's matchbox cars, his green John Deere tractor, his powerwheels 4wheeler, and books. Notice that she is attached to all of his toys instead of her own which I suppose is a good thing because he always wants to play with all of her things.

She loves her big brother so much and constantly wants to play with him. He is going through a very rough "mine" stage right now and I wonder if it would have been easier had she been born with a larger age-spacing or if it would be worse? Either way she lights up when she sees him and one of her favorite things to do is to go into his room with me to get him up in the mornings or from naps whenever she is not sleeping herself.

She is such a good baby and is content to go off and play on her own if he is napping or Mommy and Daddy are busy. She is excellent when it comes to something laying out that may not be meant for her to play with (like Mommy's laptop) and rarely bothers things that she shouldn't. She doesn't need many toys to keep her happy. She could spend most of the day on my lap reading and be just as happy as days I take them to the park or outside to play or swim.

I think that is about it for now. I need to add some recent pictures. Next post: Wyatt. The last 2 times I have been on have been significant for baby girl so it is his turn!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Almost ONE year old!!

I find it abosolutely UNBELIEVABLE that my baby girl will be ONE this Saturday. It just seems soooo unreal that it has been a year already! She is getting to be such a big girl.

She has quite the little personality and is still a Mommy's girl! We are still cloth diapering and loving it.. she hasn't been to the doctor yet for her one year appointment but I want to say that she is probably around 22 or 23 pounds and as far as length I don't even have an educated guess! I will update when we actually make it in next week. She still sleeps around 12 hours at night and takes 2 one or 1.5 hour naps a day. She is in size 12 month clothes and size 3 (almost 4) shoes. She isn't yet walking yet but has taken 3-4 steps at a time for the last couple of weeks. We are just waiting on her to take off!

She is saying a few words: Mom, Dad, Dog, That, Bite, Nan, Pap, Bub, Wyatt. I think there are a couple more but I can't remember right now. She is becoming very good at repeating, or at least trying to repeat, any word we say to her.

She loves to play with her brother and follows him around the house. Some of her favorite toys right now are some of his ride-on toys like his little tractor and power wheels 4-wheeler. She has recently learned to push the button to make it go until she runs into something that stops her. Turning isn't quite a priority right now apparently!

She is going through a bit of separation anxiety right now but it is at odd times. She doesn't really mind to go spend the night with Nana (where she spent her first 2 night weekend last weekend!) or usually doesn't care if I leave her with GG or Papa or really anyone. But, Lord, just let me leave the room and close a door for a second or two! I try to take Wyatt to the potty without her trying to climb in the bathtub or if I have to run into our bedroom to grab something and don't want her to try to eat the dog food and I have a full-on, crying, screaming, red-faced, balled-up-fist, baby waiting on the other side of the door when I come back! It is insanity!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Update on the Kiddos

So first, Maddi is 10 months old! How crazy is that?! She is about 19 pounds, around 28 inches long and still in cloth diapers. She is wearing around 6-9 month or 12 month shirts and 12 month pants. She sleeps about 10-12 hours a night and 2-3 naps a day that are around 1 hr each. She is standing independently but has yet to take a step. You can tell she wants to because she wants to follow her brother around but has yet to try it out. She says "Hi, yay, mama, dada, wyatt, bub, dog, and nana" so far. She loves to follow mommy around the house and when she isn't following me, she is following her brother! He is picking on her a bit right now but he is vying for mommy and daddy's attention and loves her to pieces.

Wyatt is potty training right now (can I get an "Amen!!"). He is doing so well, too! We have gone 2 full days either nekkid or in big boy underwear with no accidents. The only problem is that he wants to go "pee pee in the grass!" I don't know where this came from but as of right now, since we live in the middle of nowhere, I am allowing it. I figure that he is telling me when he has to go, he is getting that awareness, and when he is a little older (near the end of summer since he will be 2.5 in Sept) we will begin to translate all of that to his potty. He has used his potty multiple times and has even told us that he needed to use the potty but this facination has taken hold and we are just going to roll with it right now. I figure no diapers is good news!

As for me, I graduate in 2 days! yay!! I am sending out stacks and stacks of resumes but I really have my fingers crossed for a job where I did my internship. Keep those fingers and toes crossed for me!

Monday, May 17, 2010

The kiddos are growing!

I haven't posted in soo long! The kids are keeping me so busy on top of student teaching. I finish that up on May 28th though and then starts the job hunt. Or at least that is when I start working on it harder!

Maddi is going to be 10 months old on the 24th. It doesn't seem like I will be planning her 1st birthday here in just a month or so! She is crawling everywhere, pulling up on everything, and cruising. She is pulling up on a couple of the little walker toys we have so I think she may start to use those soon. She will kinda push it forward a little, take a step or two, and then stand there for a minute or two before she does it again. I am not really sure if she will walk before her birthday but if I had to guess I would say maybe 11 months? She just doesn't seem very interested. She has added the words "that" and "stop" to her vocabulary. She loves to scream at Wyatt and he will scream back. That is their new (and not necessarily Mommy's favorite) form of communication. They are just so much fun and they are interacting more and more every day.

I am not sure if I posted or not, but we discovered that W is allergic to penicillian products a week or so after his birthday. He got this terrible, terrible rash and it was sooooo scary! I thought he had another ear infection today but it turns out that he has terrible ear wax build up so we have to put drops in every night and let them soak. That is going to be soooo difficult because I have no idea how we are going to get him to lay still. He also apparently has a viral infection and has been vomiting for the last few days. Ugh.. poor sick baby! He is such a smarty pants and is doing so many neat things. He knows all of his colors, numbers, letters, and shapes and can count to 10 and say his ABCs up to N on his own. He also recognizes his name when it is written. I may have mentioned this before but this is like my new baby book since his doesn't allow much information after 1 year except for birthday information. I think that is about all. I hear baby girl in her room muttering around like she has woken up. I had better go get her!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

My babies are so big!

I get to looking at my two little boogers some days and I just can't believe how big they are getting! They are starting to play together very well; especially now that Miss M is crawling. W sometimes doesen't enjoy when she tries to take his toys, though. She seems much more interested in trucks, cars, and anything with wheels than she does her dolls and girly toys. This isn't what W expected, I think, because he is constantly bringing her some of her toys and she just doesn't have any interest. Poor guy just doesn't know what to do with her.

She is up to a few words: MumMum, Dada, and BubBub and she has been saying Hey! to get our attention. I can't wait to see W's face when she starts walking! I am sure that is going to be priceless! I really need to go somewhere with high speed so I can go back and add pictures to some of these posts!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

SOOO busy lately!!

I feel so bad that I haven't been blogging lately! This is my record as I tend to forget to fill in the baby book and I have to reference my blog to try to keep up.

I didn't do a post for Maddi's 8 month. She is in a size 3 shoe, size 6-9 months clothing (and 12 months pants because those cloth diapers make her bottom half so fluffy!). Another great piece of information is that Maddi started crawling last Thursday (4-1-10)! It was so exciting because I could tell she was SO close and all of a sudden she just took off! She is still moving slowly and is a very cautious crawler. She is going further and further every day though.

Student teaching is going amazing, though. I have to say that I picked the right profession for me and I loooove this age group! 5th graders are so much fun!

So, just a short note on a few important pieces of information. I have to get going; lesson plans to write!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Lots Going on Around Here

We have been so absolutely busy around here lately!
First, W. The day before his birthday I had to take him to the doctor and he was diagnosed for a sinus infection. Enter Amoxicillian, which he as taken 2-3 other times with no problem. Well at about day 8, so the following saturday, I go to put him to bed and he has red bumps all over the place. Up his sides, around the top rim of his diaper, his armpits, his legs and arms. It was kind of scary but I thought, " looks like we are getting Chicken Pox out of the way early." So I call my mom and she agrees that she thinks it may be chicken pox. I then call the nurses line and they decided that they think it may be an amoxicillian rash and since he had been taking it but they generally aren't raised and these bumps were. She suggested we take him in to the urgent care the next day. It didn't open until noon so it wasn't a huge rush.
Fast forward to the next morning when Jeremy comes running into the bedroom and tells me to get dressed because we had to take him to the emergency room. His eyes were swollen shut, he was covered in what looked like welts and had started to throw up some bile. No fever or anything but we freaked to say the least. I throw some things together to keep him occupied and we head to the hospital. Jeremy stayed home to get someone to watch Miss M but it ended up that we were in and out pretty quickly. The doctors were pretty sure it was either an allergic reaction (to amoxicillian or something else) or some kind of virual thing that caused the rash but apparently treatment is the same for either one. We were given prescriptions for Azthromyicin (antibiotic), Prednizone (steroid), and children's Zyrtec. That was last Sunday and it took until yesterday before we had stopped debating taking him to Children's because the rash still hadn't gone away. I will post pictures, it was terrible.

Miss M: She hasn't had quite as much going on. She turned 8 months this past wednesday which deserves its own post but I am just so busy that I don't know if it will get one. I will try to put everything here. She is still in 6-9 month clothing, size 3 shoes, and sleeps all night with the occasion where we have to go in and give her her binkie in the middle of the night. She likes to stand at furniture if we put her there but she is not very interested in crawling. She is now getting up on hands and knees well and likes to rock but she has yet to go anywhere. She crosses her feet when she is on hands and knees so I have no idea what is going on with that. She is more of an observer than W was. She likes to watch things and figure them out. She is not quick to smile but when she does she will dazzle you. She has 4 teeth, all on bottom, and it doesn't look like we will have any on top any time soon. She also went to the doctor the Monday following W's birthday party and was diagnosed with an ear infection with one starting on the other side. She was also put on Amoxicillian with no problems.

Me: Well, soooo much.... I started student teaching this past Monday (good timing, huh? The morning after W's ER visit). It is going GREAT! I am in a 5th grade science classroom which is my ideal assignment. Anytime I had to write a lesson plan with no parameters it is always for 5th grade science. I also found out that she is retiring this year and no one has bid on the job from within. Sooooo, if I do a good job it is fairly likely I will be a shoo in for the job!!! They are keeping me hopping, and as always you have the students that require more of your energy than others, but I am having a blast!

The Hubby: Poor Hubbs doesn't have much going on. He is just working and keeping busy. He did just buy hardwood floors to put down in our living rooms so I am super pumped about that!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Wyatt is now 2!!

Yesterday was Wyatt's birthday! holy cow! It is official - I have a 2 year old! It just does not seem like it has been 2 years since I had the little guy!

He is growing into such a little man. He is going through his "mine" phase right now- an offshoot of the "terrible twos" I am sure- but we are working through it and I think we will all come out ok on the other side. ;)

We had his party today. The theme was "Two Two train." I am going to try to add pictures in tethe next couple of days since this darn dial up takes forever to do it here! Some of the highlights were his Step 2 Kangaroo climber from Nana and Pappy and we got him a bicycle. He also got tons of matchbox cars that were a big hit!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Miss M- 7 Months

7 months! I know every one of these I say this but I just can't believe how quickly the time is moving! Right now M is around maybe 18 pounds and 28"? I am not really sure on those stats and won't be until the end of April when she goes for her 9 month appointment. I do know that she is about ready to transition to a size 3 shoe and is in 6-9 month clothes but can still wear some of her 3-6 month shirts and comfy, non-jean pants. She is in a size 3 disposable diaper but since she is no longer in disposables I would say that will be the last sizing we see there... She sleeps from around 9pm to around 8am and take 2-3 naps a day at about 1.5-2 hours each.

She still doesn't seem to have any interest in crawling but for the last week or so she will tuck her knees under her but her face is on the floor. If I put her on her hands and knees she can stay there sometimes but she just kind of lets her knees slide out from under her most of the time. She is jabbering like crazy and says "dada" "bub" and "mama." She has 4 teeth... all on the bottom. She still loves to watch her brother do EVERYTHING! She rarely takes her eyes off from him. She holds her own bottle now but I still enjoy holding her while she eats! It won't be much longer before she wants to go everywhere so I am taking advantage while I can!

She also likes to stand. She can stand at the couch or exersaucer until she gets excited and squirms too much and falls over. But, her little legs are so strong that she can stand holding on to your fingers forever.

Well, Wyatt's birthday party is this weekend. 2 years old! Oh my!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Made the switch...

So I finally gave in to many of my online mommy friends and switched from 'sposies to cloth! I am sooooo excited to get started if you can believe that. I got a great deal since one of before mentioned mommy friends runs an at home business with which she sells diapers and I got a percentage off for being a member of this mommy group. Awesomeness. My beginning stash of 12 Knickernappies with loopydo inserts came yesterday and as I speak, ahem, type, they are drying! I am going to start tomorrow! I will post a picture at some point tomorrow of Miss M in her too stinking cute diapers. Next purchase is some Baby legs and a couple of Applecheeks and Rump-a-rooz....

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Love between siblings... And Trilingual baby?

To begin with I saw the Ab-SO-LUTELY cutest thing today. Miss M was in her exersaucer playing innocently and W came out of nowhere and starts saying "hug." He leans over and gives her a big hug with the "uhhhh" sound effect like he is squeezing her really tight (but really isn't). He then straightens up, smiles, and says "Lub you." Melt my heart! It just about brought tears to my eyes!!

As far as the whole trilingual thing goes I have caught W, in the last couple of days, saying words in both Spanish and Chinese. He watches Ni Hao, Kai Lan, Dora and Diego on a regular basis when his Grandma is here watching them during the day. I have to say we are guilty of leaving the tv on as background noise in a lot of cases.. :blush:. Anyway, he has one of those starlight turtles that puts constellations on his ceiling at night. He loves that little guy. Well he kept saying "Tortuga" and pointing at it. I couldn't help but laugh since La Tortuga is the spanish word for turtle. Lately his newest thing when he hears something is to point at his ear and saying "listen" or "hear" and whatever he hears. Like "Hear train." Well, last night we were grocery shopping and were in the process of checking out and I kept hearing him say "Ting" over and over. I turn around and he is pointing at his ear. After many, many reruns of one particular Kai Lan episode I have, as well, learned that Ting is the word in Chinese for listen. I would love for him to have a better grasp on languagues that I do. Maybe this is a good start?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Quick note on me!

I forgot to post but the 9th was J's birthday! His 33rd! Happy birthday, babe! But, on a quick note about me on that day I got my Praxis scores back. I passed them both with flying colors! YAY! One more to go!

W 23 Months *updated

Oh my! His birthday is next month! I can hardly believe it. He is growing sooooo much and I can't believe how fast the time has gone. He is working on potty training and we have had some successes on that front. Usually out of the 3 hours he goes without a diaper we can get him to go on the potty about 2 out of 3 times. I am SO proud of him. We don't really have a set goal to try to be daytime potty trained by but by the time we go on vacation in mid-June would be nice. We are still having some food issues. The kid doesn't really care for meat so I have been trying to get him protein through eggs and peanut butter. sigh.... Other than that things are great. I am about half way through planning his birthday party. He is going to love it this year because he actually gets the present thing now and is going to have some really good ones to open =).. I can't wait!
I forgot to mention some of the really neat things he is doing right now. He almost always speaks in 2-3 word sentences now days. "ex. Mommy, baby sister's cryin'". Or cry-nin if you want to pronounce it like he does. He also knows many of his shapes: triangle, square, rectangle, circle, star, crescent (or moon). He knows some of his colors but still confuses them sometimes. Most of the time he gets green, orange, blue and purple correct but yellow, black and white are always a toss-up. He also recognizes all of his capital letters and some high frequency little letters like a and b. He, of course, knows the little letters that look just like the big letters.. LOL.. He also loooves to show all these things off for anyone who will sit still long enough to listen. He likes to count to 10.. over.. and over.. AND OVER.. my little goofy boy!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Love Your Heart by Tim McGraw & Tom Douglas. Illustrations by Abigail Marble

Tim McGraw and Tom Douglas have done an amazing job in this lovely book about a little girl and her selfless act and her father who is there to support her every step of the way. The vibrant illustrations by Abigail Marble almost leap off the page and tell the story right along with the beautiful wording.

The book follows little Katie in making her decision of which of her many talents to showcase in the talent show. She tries many but ends up showing something she didn't consider in the beginning; her selflessness. I think the book is great for little girls of all ages. I read it to my six month old daughter and she couldn't take her eyes away from the illustrations and sat quite still for the entire book.

I am really happy to see a book that details the relationship between a father and his daughter. There just are not very many that venture away from the mother/child or father/son relationship. It is a very nice change. I can't wait to see what comes next from this series.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book to review by Thomas Nelson and was asked to give my honest opinion about the book.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Great Weekend!

So this weekend has been very eventful in our household. Well, not really that eventful, per say, but the events were really exciting.

We have not been actively potty training Wy but have introduced him to his little potty and have him sit on it any time he is in the bathroom. Sometimes with clothes on, sometimes sans diaper. It just depends on his mood and the situation. On Saturday he got up from about a three hour nap and his diaper was dry. So we thought, "hey, let's sit him on the potty." Off the diaper comes and he sits down on the potty and is looking at a four-wheeler magazine while J sat on the edge of the tub.

I was taking care of Miss M while this was going on and about 15 minutes later J asked for me to get him some juice. Wy was really enjoying the whole process so we figured we should take advantage of it. After a few minutes he still hadn't peed so we decided to bring the potty into the kitchen and let him run without a diaper. He drug the potty in the living room and sat down on it watching cartoons. J went outside to clean off the 4 wheeler because he was going to take Wy outside to play in the snow and while he was gone Wy just sat and watched his show. A couple of minutes later he got up and tried to take the little soft ring off and I stood up to put it back and tell him it needed to stay on there and there was pee in the potty!! I was so excited! I made a huge deal over it and got him a little dum dum sucker for it. That, of course, made him excited.

I let him run without a diaper for a bit longer and after a couple of accidents that didn't make it into the potty we put it back on. Sunday was about the same. One pee in the potty, on his own while he was watching his cartoon and a couple of accidents that prompted his diaper being put on. We are still not going to try to go full time potty training for about another month but we are going to try a few hours of non-diaper time a day until then. At least we know he knows what the potty is for! YAY, Wy.

Miss M's 6 month well visit is tomorrow so I will try to post again tomorrow about her stats.
I am trying to transition to using initials or nicknames for us. Since I am getting ready to teach it is usually advised you don't have anything out there kids can access too easily about you. Even though this is a nice, family blog I have decided to go ahead and change things. I need to decided something else to call Wy though.. We call him Booger or Baby boy here at home so I may go with that =).

Saturday, January 30, 2010

6 months

I am late on this yet again.. SIGH.. I can say I started the post on the day that she turned 6 months but the clickety-clack of the keyboard was keeping my dear husband awak so I put the laptop away.

I am not sure on her stats but she is around 27.5 inches and maybe 17 pounds? We are just now getting ready to switch to size 3 diapers, 6-9 months clothes, and she just got her first pair of size 2 shoes. She is sleeping around 11 hours at night though sometimes she needs one of us to give her her binkie back in the middle of the night. She has 2 teeth and LOVE LOVE LOVES her exersaucer. She rolls both ways and has sat up for the first time like a pro the day after she turned 6 months. I think she could have done it sooner since I sat her down and she didn't wobble for 10 minutes but I kinda hadn't tried in awhile.. (insert blush here)...

She loves her brother and will watch him for an hour straight as he plays on the floor with his cars. She loves her baby dolls and will grind her little face into them when we hand them to her. She has also, for the last couple of weeks, been saying DADADADADA. I love it!

We are also only using the binkie at sleep times. This has been going on for at least over a month though so it isn't really news but I wanted to put it down for future reference. In the next month or so we will start trying out getting rid of it at naps and only using it at bedtime. Hopefully the same tactics that worked for Wyatt will work for Madelinn.. here's hoping!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

22 Months

So, Wyatt turned 22 months on the day I had my surgery. I am just now really getting a chance to write after missing a couple of days of class.

He is so big nowdays. He sits in a booster seat at the table but only because they are barstool height and he won't sit still without it and I am afraid he will fall. He can also drink out of a regular cup really well, never eats with his fingers anymore unless it is a food that calls for fingers, and is so independent it makes me crazy sometimes. He is so fun though and is growing into such a polite little boy. He always says please and thank you which I am so glad for. I think sometimes manners are considered optional and it was very important for him to learn to use his manners from as early as possible.

He has been a crazy wildman lately and seems to be getting a new bruise or bump every day. I think the fact that it is winter and we are trapped inside is having something to do with the pent up energy. I really wish this town had places for me to take him. The YMCA in town has a few things but they are never in time frames that I am available to take him to them. I am worried about him going into day care in the fall because he doesn't get to play much with other kids his age so this summer that is my major goal. Take him to places that have other little ones!

2 more months until his birthday. I am starting to order party supplies so we don't have to worry about it when the time comes. We can just sort out food and last minute things. We are having a train birthday since anything transportation seems to be the big thing at the moment!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


This has been one CRAZY week. I will bullet point it so I don't forget anything.

  • Last Sunday (1-3-10) Maddi poked her first tooth through. Bottom middle on the right. Jeremy had been telling me that he thought he saw some coming through but I had just felt her gums on Saturday night and felt a big, fat nuthin'! Then on Monday the bottom middle on the left came through! I had no idea she was teething! She had been chewing a lot and drooling but I knew she would be doing that WAY before she actually got teeth. Surprise!
  • I started back to school this week. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have to drive to Athens (roughly 45 minutes away) the across to Chillicothe (about an hour or a little over from Athens) and then home ( another 35-40 minutes) and the roads were TERRIBLE this first day of class. UGH.. I really, really hate having to go to 2 different campuses, especially on the same day, but this is my last quarter and these classes aren't offered on the same campus. BOO!
  • My Friday class was canceled, well we had assigments due online, so I snuggled up inside and studied my butt off for my Praxis PLT and Praxis Social Studies that I had to take on Saturday morning. I was SO nervous since these are the tests I have to take to not only graduate but to get my teaching licence in June.
  • Just when I had decided I was going to take a break from studing for the Praxis exams and work on my homework for class we had a terrible thing happen. It was eight o'clock and Jeremy was getting Wyatt ready to go to bed. Wyatt always says "hand" and likes to walk to his bedroom with Jeremy. Well Jeremy has his hand and either Wyatt loses his footing or drops to his knees for a toy, I am not sure which, jumps up like he is ok and then starts screaming bloody murder. This is the child that I was beginning to wonder if he had pain receptors (LOL) because he will crack his head HARD and get up laughing. Anyway he is freaking out so we are looking him over and trying to figure out what is wrong and realize that he isn't moving his right arm. Every time we move him to look at him he screams and refuses to grab anything I try to hand him. We finally decide we are taking him to the Emergency Room. I seriously thought we would take him the first time for one of his "daredevil" stunts he is always doing. Anyway, we lay him down to change his diaper and the poor kid is still screaming. It was terrible. Jeremy was so devastated even though I told him it could have happened one of the million times he has done that to me when I was holding his hand.

We call my grandma and my aunt and ask if we can bring Maddi there so we don't have to take her there with us and they say no problem so off we go to the ER. We ended up taking him to the hospital that is just 5 minutes from us even though I hate it and say I would never take my dog there.. eek.. because we can't get Wyatt strapped into his carseat. We had wrapped his arm to his side because we had no idea if it was broken or what. I rode in the back between the kids and held onto Wyatt and kept his arm tight to his side. We get to the ER and thank goodness there weren't many people out so we got back relitively quickly. Maybe a half hour from the time we sat down until we were in a room. They took him for x-rays first on his shoulder, then on his elbow and we find out he has what is called Nurse Maid's elbow. It literally took the doctor less than five minutes to put it back in. He just kind of rolled it around, rubbed it, and bent it a couple times. He wanted us to ice it and make sure he was using it before we could leave and I swear within 2 minutes he was flailing around like crazy and using his arm like nothing had been wrong. They gave him a little blue stuffed puppy for his pain and we were out the door. Bad thing was it was around 11 at this point and I had my tests the next morning. Can I blame it on this and no sleep if I don't pass the first time?

  • Saturday morning I was up at 5:45 to meet J so we could ride together to take our exams. We took the PLT (Principals of Learning and Teaching). Basically making sure we know how to teach and the Middle school social studies (5-9) exam. I felt really good about the PLT but I am really iffy on the social studies. I studied really hard but I felt like I knew NOTHING. I think if I passed it was by pure luck but I suppose you never know. Scores in 4 weeks. Cross your fingers for me!
  • Then to top it all off I ended up sick all day today. No doubt passed on from Wyatt to Jeremy to me. This is the first day Jeremy felt good and I end up feeling queasy all day. Thank goodness no vomiting though.
  • I think that is about it. I go in on Tuesday to have my gall bladder out since that is why I have been getting AWFULLY sick for the last year. *Knock on Wood* I haven't had an attack in a while. Then back to class on Thursday!