Thursday, October 29, 2009

Late 19 month and 3 month post

I am late on both posts so I decided to just combine them.

Wyatt: 24 mo and 2T clothes, size 8.5 Wide shoes, size 5 diapers, mostly 1 nap a day.
Mr. Wyatt is now 19 months old. He is growing up so fast. He loves trains, airplanes, trucks, motorcycles, fire trucks, and ambulances right now. He is definitely ALL boy. He also LOVES rough housing with Daddy. He has, in the last month, started getting upset when I leave. He has always been really good about staying with people and we never hit "separation anxiety" when everything I read said we could. Everyone tells me that he gets over it as soon as I am out of sight but I am not one to "sneak out." I always make sure to give a hug and kiss before walking out the door which could exacerbate things at the time being but I think that it will help in the long run.

He is saying and doing so much and continues to parrot everything that we say. He attempts to say anything he hears us say but sometimes reminds me of Joey in that episode of Friends where Pheobe is trying to teach him French!

He is starting to look like such a little man! It is so hard to see my baby in his face anymore. He just looks so wise sometimes and I can almost picture him as a teen. TOO SCARY!

Madelinn: Just moved up last week to size 2 diapers and size 3-6 months clothes (though she still can wear some of her 0-3 months things)and size 1 shoes. Sleeps from around 11pm-7am and takes 6oz bottles around every 3 hours but sometimes doesn't finish the entire thing.

Loves: Smiling at Mommy, Daddy, and Wyatt. Watching Wyatt play. Sleep Allll night! (Mommy loves this,too!) Eating. Baths. Sucking on hands. Watching mobiles. Watching cartoons with big brother. Sitting up with help. Laughing! Taking her time while eating.

Hates: Lying down(unless asleep). Being away from mommy and daddy. Being sleepy.

She is getting SOOO big. I can't believe, though, that she made it all the way to 3 months before having to switch to 3-6 month clothing since Wyatt was in 3-6 months and size 2 shoes by around 2.5 months old. She likes for someone to hold her in a sitting position so she can look around. I am thinking she may sit up before 5 months (which is when Wyatt did). She seems more sturdy than he did at this age but she may suprise me. She is constantly "talking" and is a very happy baby though she has "fits" sometimes when she gets sleepy.

I think that is all for now!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Welcoming Fall

I think that I have been in denial about the fact that fall is here. I am COMPLETELY opposed to that dreaded season that follows autumn and I try to pretend that it isn't just around the corner, however, sights like this one make me realize I don't have much choice in the matter.

I do LOVE fall, though, and know it is one of the things I will miss the most when we move south. We celebrated fall in fashion this evening by carving Wyatt's pumpkin, playing in the leaves and then I made pumpkin muffins. So yummy.

**Disclaimer: ignore Wyatt's horribly mismatched clothing! =) I had changed him out of his jeans and into comfy pants for his nap and hadn't changed him back for pumpkin carving**

Helping Daddy clean the "gunk" out of the pumpkin.

Poking out the holes for the eyes

He wants to kiss everything lately =)

Diving into the little pile of leaves on the porch

Finished product: Classic Pumpkin

The yumminess of the pumpkin muffins
On a side note, I have decided it is time to start seriously dieting again. I was on a diet when I got pregnant with Wyatt and gained so much with him that I got depressed. I was starting to try to take hold of it when I got pregnant with Maddi so I took it easy and only gained 1/3 of the weight with her as I did with him. Now I am seriously trying to get back to at least close to where I was when Jeremy and I started dating. I am following Weight Watchers without going to meetings and am down 11.4 pounds! Whoo hoo!

Now some more cuteness!

Miss Priss... Notice the scar I got from when I fell in the pasture when I
was pregnant with her...Niiiiice...

Wyatt holding Maddi... He couldn't decide if he wanted to hold
her close or push her off his lap...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Some randomness

I have a few random things to say but didn't know where to put them so they get their own post

  1. I have been adding even more words as I remember them to Wyatt's vocabulary list and I just can't believe how large it is getting! Also, I forgot to do his 19 month post on the 12th so that is coming soon!

  2. I also added some pictures to the Zoo post now that I have uploaded my photo software to my new laptop so check those out! There is some cuteness involved! =)

  3. I ordered some ADORABLE bows from a "bloggy friend" for Maddi and I am IN LOVE! Ignore the slobber in the pictures! I have hopes that she isn't trying to teeth already but there is just so much drool going on!

4. Not this past saturday but the one before I went to my best friend B's house to learn to crochet. A few days after I started my first project, a blanket for Maddi since it can be smaller than what one for Wyatt will need to be. Here it is:

I wasn't sure about the yellow, thinking I should have gone with a softer yellow, but as the blanket progresses I am really starting to like it.

5. A week before I had Maddi my mom took my horse to her house so she could send him to a trainer for me. I was SO behind on getting him broke because shortly after I started him, I found out I was pregnant with Wyatt. Then not long after I healed from having him and started to get into a routine, I got pregnant with Madelinn. So, my mom, being the wonderful person she is, decided to take Check to her house and pay to have him sent to a trainer. He spent a month with the trainer and got his first set of shoes on while there (the guy was a farrier). Apparently the trainer loved him SO much he wanted to trade his stud, a horse he had had for MANY years and loved dearly, for him. This past wednesday I got to experience it myself. Mom was camping and had him there with her so I drove down to try him out. He did AMAZING! He is so great and I can't wait to get him home to ride here! Now I just have to find a riding buddy.

6. I got the kids' halloween costumes together in the last few days and I am so stinkin' excited! I LOVE halloween and wish I had a reason to dress up! Wyatt is going to be a cowboy which is so fitting for him since he loves horses right now. Here he is at Nana's:

Maddi is going to be a cow... hehehehe.. I thought it was a cute combo!

I think that is all for now! =)

Pumpkin Patch

This past Sunday Jeremy and I took the kiddos to Renick's Family Market to their Pumpkin Patch. I don't ever remember going to an actual pumpkin patch to get my pumpkins as a kid and it seems like such a fun tradition to start with ours!
So anyway, we bundled them up since it was a bit chilly and it is a bit north of us and there aren't as many hills to block the wind. Jeremy had an ambition to get a ginormous pumkin for Wyatt (which I don't have a picture of yet but we are carving tomorrow so look for that post!) and we got it. We also got a couple of gords and teeny tiny pumpkins to decorate the table as well as 2 small-ish pumpkins, one for random carving, and one for Miss Madelinn. I am so excited to carving them tomorrow and seeing Wyatt digging the "gunk" out! I also plan to make some pumpkin muffins tomorrow! Yummy...

They had a really neat set up that has a giant pumpkin that says "How tall I am this Year" so i took Wyatt's picture standing in front of it though I think it is a bit inaccurate because he was only 1/4 of an inch away from 3 feet at the doctor last week.Wyatt and Daddy also crawled through a tunnel made from straw bales and then we went out into the pumpkin patch for some pictures. The way they price their pumpkins is that you can buy pre-priced ones that are in the market or you can go out to the field and do an "all one person can carry in their arms" for $20. The distance is about 25 yards? We just decided to pick a few out in the market and explore the patch a bit.

Trying to decide if he wants to go in

Seems like fun....

Happy on the other side with a handful of straw!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wyatt's 18 month Well Check

Today I took Wyatt to his 18 month Well Child Checkup. It was an AWFUL trip to say the least but Wyatt definitely showed me just how good he can be in tough situations... except when it came to the actual checkup!

Quick Stats:
Height: 35 and 3/4" (greater than 99%)
Weight: 31 lbs 9oz (95%)
Head: 19" (58%)

I had made this appointment almost a month and a half ago and today was the soonest they could get us in so he had his 18 month check a few days over 19 months. We get there 10 minutes early for his appointment which was supposed to be at 3:10. We didn't even get called back to a room until after 4:10 and didn't see the Pediatrician until 5:00. It was absolutely ridiculous! It is an office with 11 pediatricians so the waiting room was of course busy, which I hate. If I didn't absolutely LOVE our pediatrician we would switch in a heartbeat. We just don't have that many options in our area, unfortunately.

Wyatt was so good in the waiting room. Watching the fish in the giant fish tank they have there. He especially loved this big bright yellow one. He was trapped in his stroller for an hour though. I was supposed to be in class at 5:30 and had arranged for my dad to meet me in town to pick up Wyatt at 4 and drive him the half hour home to Jeremy so I could go straight to class but he had to be home by 5:45 so I ended up having to send him home and missed class because I had to bring Wyatt home.

Next, the nurse comes in to measure him and he FUH-LIPS out when she tries to measure around his head. This is so odd because usually he is all smiles and cooperation at the doctor but it has been 6 months since he as been there. I end up having to hold him down for that and pretty much everything else. I felt SO bad! He ended up getting 2 shots but since there is a nationwide shortage of flu shots they didn't have one for us. Dr.S put me on her list to call me personally if any come in, though, since Maddi is so young.

All- in - all it was a good appointment. I was surprised to see that he is a higher percentage for height than weight. He has always been over 90% for both since he was born but I am pretty sure this is the first time the height was that much higher than weight.

A side note, I think we have it figured out that the kids don't have to go into day care in March! Whoo hoo. Now I just have to worry about what will happen when I start teaching in the fall (fingers crossed I find a job) but we will cross that bridge when we get to it!!

Monday, October 12, 2009


Baby Girl laughed for me yesterday! A full on laugh. It was sooo cute. I was laying on the couch with my knees up with her propped up facing me with Wyatt at my head. I was reading to Wyatt when I heard Jeremy's truck coming up the driveway. I yelled "Daddy's home," in the high pitched voice that I always use to get Wyatt excited. Apparently it was enough to get her excited as well since she started laughing like crazy. I kept repeating it over and over like a lunatic until Daddy came in the door so he could hear her too. I love these little moments!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

H1N1 Vaccination

I am getting REALLY stressed out over this whole H1N1 thing. I am not normally worried about them getting sick since we wash hands constantly and they don't really go anywhere but I am so worried over this. I don't know what to do about the vaccination. On one hand I don't want to refuse the vaccination and then they get it and something happen to one of them and on the other hand I don't want to get it and then the vaccination cause problems. ACK!

I know that Madelinn is too young to get either flu shot so that worries me as well. Wyatt is going to his 18 month appointment ( a month late, they couldn't get him in) on Wednesday and is getting his seasonal flu shot. I intend to ask the pediatrician what she thinks about the vaccination and see if she recommends it for him/us.

I am in the public schools right now teaching and observing for my degree and that is where most of my unease comes from. I have decided to shower and sanitize from now on when I come home before I touch them and hope that minimizes their exposure. We have my mother-in-law and my Gran come to the house to watch them while I am at school or at the public schools so I think that helps as well. One problem being that they may have to go into daycare in March as bad as I hate the thought. I have to do 10 weeks of student teaching which is 5 days a week full days. I am still trying to find a baby sitter or 2 (that are family/close friends) so I don't have to shuttle them around too much. Cross your fingers for me that I find someone!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Another Trip to the Zoo

Sunday was Jeremy and I's wedding anniversary and we were trying to decide what in the world we were going to do. In the end we decided to get Maddi a babysitter and take Wyatt back to the zoo now that he knows the names and sounds of many zoo animals.

So bright and early we loaded into the car and went to Columbus. Maddi was dropped off at my best friend's house for the day and the three of us headed to the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. Wyatt had a BLAST this time. I think when we took him last time, at around 13 months, it was too young. He liked it but wasn't to the point that he got all excited when we pulled up to an exhibit.

His favorites were the Elephants, the Rhinos, the Apes, the Okapi and the Stingrays. We had watched a Go, Diego, Go! episode the other day that showcased the Okapi and when we pulled up I said "Look, Wyatt, and Okapi!" He was so excited he almost broke his neck trying to look over the fence. One came over really close and Wyatt just stared at it forever. When we started to walk away he started yelling "KAAAAPI!! KAPI!" It was too cute. Before we left we bought him a stuffed Okapi at the gift shop and he has slept with it the last 2 nights.

B and M, who were keeping Maddi, met us with Maddi at BD's Mongolian Barbeque for dinner. I had never been and was nervous since I tend not to experiment too much with food. It was AMAZING! I was so glad we tried it!

All in all it was an excellent way to spend our wedding anniversary! I can't wait to take them back when Maddi is bigger so she gets to experience it. If we lived closer we would have a membership.

Trying to pet the stingray

Kissing the bronze elephant. He was just looking but as I took the picture he decided to kiss it. I love that he picked the tip of its trunk!

Are you as tall as a tiger?
Donating money to save the tigers. Every time you drop in a coin it played a recorded tiger growl and he LOVED it! It was too cute. He would have broke us putting coins in if we had let him!
Getting off the train. He has developed an obsession with all things

train lately so this was SO exciting for him!

Feeding the goats...