Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Update on the Kiddos

So first, Maddi is 10 months old! How crazy is that?! She is about 19 pounds, around 28 inches long and still in cloth diapers. She is wearing around 6-9 month or 12 month shirts and 12 month pants. She sleeps about 10-12 hours a night and 2-3 naps a day that are around 1 hr each. She is standing independently but has yet to take a step. You can tell she wants to because she wants to follow her brother around but has yet to try it out. She says "Hi, yay, mama, dada, wyatt, bub, dog, and nana" so far. She loves to follow mommy around the house and when she isn't following me, she is following her brother! He is picking on her a bit right now but he is vying for mommy and daddy's attention and loves her to pieces.

Wyatt is potty training right now (can I get an "Amen!!"). He is doing so well, too! We have gone 2 full days either nekkid or in big boy underwear with no accidents. The only problem is that he wants to go "pee pee in the grass!" I don't know where this came from but as of right now, since we live in the middle of nowhere, I am allowing it. I figure that he is telling me when he has to go, he is getting that awareness, and when he is a little older (near the end of summer since he will be 2.5 in Sept) we will begin to translate all of that to his potty. He has used his potty multiple times and has even told us that he needed to use the potty but this facination has taken hold and we are just going to roll with it right now. I figure no diapers is good news!

As for me, I graduate in 2 days! yay!! I am sending out stacks and stacks of resumes but I really have my fingers crossed for a job where I did my internship. Keep those fingers and toes crossed for me!