Saturday, April 17, 2010

My babies are so big!

I get to looking at my two little boogers some days and I just can't believe how big they are getting! They are starting to play together very well; especially now that Miss M is crawling. W sometimes doesen't enjoy when she tries to take his toys, though. She seems much more interested in trucks, cars, and anything with wheels than she does her dolls and girly toys. This isn't what W expected, I think, because he is constantly bringing her some of her toys and she just doesn't have any interest. Poor guy just doesn't know what to do with her.

She is up to a few words: MumMum, Dada, and BubBub and she has been saying Hey! to get our attention. I can't wait to see W's face when she starts walking! I am sure that is going to be priceless! I really need to go somewhere with high speed so I can go back and add pictures to some of these posts!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

SOOO busy lately!!

I feel so bad that I haven't been blogging lately! This is my record as I tend to forget to fill in the baby book and I have to reference my blog to try to keep up.

I didn't do a post for Maddi's 8 month. She is in a size 3 shoe, size 6-9 months clothing (and 12 months pants because those cloth diapers make her bottom half so fluffy!). Another great piece of information is that Maddi started crawling last Thursday (4-1-10)! It was so exciting because I could tell she was SO close and all of a sudden she just took off! She is still moving slowly and is a very cautious crawler. She is going further and further every day though.

Student teaching is going amazing, though. I have to say that I picked the right profession for me and I loooove this age group! 5th graders are so much fun!

So, just a short note on a few important pieces of information. I have to get going; lesson plans to write!