Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mom, I want OUT of this crib!!

Ok, 2nd post today =)... W got up from his nap today at around 10am. Well Maddi decided that exact moment to jump on my bladder so I hurried to the bathroom before I went to get him out of his crib. As I walk out of the bathroom I hear a huge thump and him start screaming bloody murder through the monitor. This happened a week or so ago and I went in and he had bumped his head pretty badly on the crib.

I go running to the other end of the house and look in his crib. He wasn't there! He was on his knees on the floor beside the crib with tears rolling down his face. It made me sad to see the little guy like that. I scooped him up and sat down and began to take inventory to make sure he wasn't hurt. I think he mainly just scared himself as nothing seemed to be hurt. We were on the next to the last setting on the crib mattress so Daddy decided to lower it down the rest of the way before the next nap.

If it comes down to being a problem we are going to turn his crib around. His crib has a non drop side and a higher rail in the back. I am not ready for him to be in a toddler bed yet and I don't really think that he is either.

Doctor Appointment for Maddi

We had a doctor appointment for baby Maddi Friday the 24th. It was a combined appointment for my glucose test and a prenatal checkup. Jeremy got off work early that day and decided to meet me at the doctor's office. He has been to the ultrasounds with me but hadn't been able to make it to an appointment yet so this was his first time meeting my new doctor. Since he was going to meet me, I decided that I was not going to get a babysitter for W. I don't know what I was thinking! I completely forgot that the glucose was a 1 hour wait and that his lunch and a couple of books probably wouldn't keep him entertained for that long. Oh well, it's over with now.

I made a stop at Kohl's on the way to the doctor and got W some really cute little black Nike sandals. They were on sale so I really wanted to get them for him. I ended up having to get the little booger an 8!! The 6 wouldn't fit and they didn't have a 7 and he was walking around well in an 8 so at least I know that he will have some time in them. The kid's foot grows SO fast! By the time we got out to the car I realized that I only had 10 minutes to get across town in traffic to my appointment. Apparently I did not time this trip well. I rushed across town and while J was getting W out of the car I rushed into the hospital, up the stairs, and made it to the office right on time somehow.

They had me leave my urine sample (man, does that get old) and then gave me my choice of drink. I HATE orange pop and that is what the orange glucola tastes like. When I had to do 2 of these with W that was all my old office offered so I decided to mix it up and get the lemon-lime. I am so glad I did. It basically tasted like water with lemon and seeing as it was 1:20pm and I hadn't eaten yet, it was much easier on my stomach than orange would have been.

They then weighed me (only up 6.5 lbs) and took me back to the room. They did my blood pressure and if I remember correctly it was 117/80 which is a bit high for me but I am sure it had something to do with the rush across town and the run up the stairs. Dr.B was really quick to come in and do my check. Forgot to ask her the heart rate. I really, really like her as my doctor but sometimes I hate that I have to pull information out of her. She then measured my uterus and I asked her if I was measuring all right. This is the first time that I have remembered to ask and she tells me that I am still measuring big. Well, that's the first I have heard that. I asked her how big and she said about 4 above... Is that cm I wonder? Anyways, she says that if I continue to measure big they may do another ultrasound to determine size and possibly a new due date? She asked me how big W was. I told her and didn't think much of it until she was gone but even though he was big, my uterus never measured larger than it was supposed to with him. I am just crossing my fingers that I even out. I was so hopeful that she was going to be smaller than him by quite a bit. I thought the small weight gain and such would indicate that. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

After all of this we were starving so we headed over to lunch and then came home and relaxed for a bit. I love days that I get to spend with my boys. It is going to be so odd that I won't be able to say that anymore before too long.

Monday, April 13, 2009

13 months and Easter

Yesterday Wyatt turned 13 months and it was his second Easter. It is so odd to think we are beginning the "seconds" when it comes to celebrations.

He had a good Easter weekend though it was a bit uneventful. Saturday afternoon my mom (Nana) came up to pick him up for an overnight visit. I had some major cleaning to get done and it is much easier for me to bleach floors and deep clean when I am not trying to time it around naps! We met at Bob Evans and had lunch and they went on their way while I went to the store for some needed cleaning supplies. Then, on home in order to get started before hubby got home from work. He worked a long day but decided that it would be a nice night for a date night. Dinner and a movie (Haunting in Connecticut) was great and I am so glad that we went. The next morning, even though baby boy wasn't here, I still woke up at the same time and got started on the house.

I had some over expectations on what I was going to be able to get done but, happily, I got almost everything done that I had planned. I left around 2:30 to head down to get Wyatt from my mom's and then spent about an hour and a half there visiting. She had gotten him a Wagon with some Easter goodies in it and he absolutely LOVES riding around in his wagon. On the way home we stopped and Jeremy's parents to get some Easter dinner to-go and get his Easter basket from them. They got him a couple of cute outfits as well as a sand bucket and shovel which he loved filled with goodies (with some extra bagged up for mommy and daddy).

We came home just in time to get his basket here which was a cute little basket with a camo bucket hat over it. Again, more goodies, and then to top it all off Daddy got home from work for some great rough housing and playtime before bed. All-in-all it was a great weekend for us all.

I had better finish this up as I hear him over the monitor with the hiccups that are keeping him from taking his nap. I feel bad that there isn't anything that I can do to fix them for him....

Monday, April 6, 2009

Trip to the zoo and an ultrasound, too!

Saturday Morning (April 4), Jeremy, Wyatt, my grandma, and I took off to Columbus for a zoo visit. I had also scheduled a 4d ultrasound that morning to make sure that Maddi was indeed a girl!

Our day started really early with Jeremy and I getting up between 6 and 6:30 am and then waking Wyatt up an hour early at 6:50 am so he could have breakfast so that we could get ready to pick my grandma up. He refused to go back to sleep on the 2 hour drive so we knew the lack of sleep would catch up to us later.

We picked up my grandma and made our way to First Expressions for my 3d/4d ultrasound. I was very impressed with the office and was incredibly happy with the ultrasound tech and my experience. I told her that my main purpose for being there was to verify gender before I started shopping. I didn't tell her what the hospital had told me that she was and was hoping to get the same answer from this tech. Maddi was very active yet again and I was afraid it was going to be a repeat of the hospital ultrasound but all of a sudden she started giving great "girl" shots. The tech kept talking about how active she was and I said that yes, she is way more active than Wyatt ever was. She says that it is odd because girls are generally less active than boys. I asked her if that meant she was a girl and she starts showing me some good shots she got between the legs. So we are for sure having a baby girl. Here are some of the pictures from the ultrasound.

Good shot that she is a girl...

Doing her "Woe is me" pose...

Arm up over her little head
After the ultrasound we headed over to the zoo. I have to say, I LOVE the zoo. One of my first dates with Jeremy was to the zoo during their Christmas light extravaganza. That was back in 05 and the last time we had been to this zoo. We had made a trip to the Cincinnati zoo about 2 years ago but it just isn't as nice as the Columbus in our opinion.

A week before our trip a new baby elephant, yet to be named, was born (march 27). They had started showing him the day before our visit for 2 hours a day. When we got there we got straight in line since it was already a little past 11 which is when they brought him out. The elephants have to be one of my favorites at the zoo.

My poor, tired baby waiting to see the elephants
Checking out the goose. These geese were everywhere...

My boys.. It was a bit chilly in the morning so they were all bundled up!

Baby Elephant. So cute!

After waiting around an hour and a half to see the baby elephant we made our way across the zoo to the Africa section to a food court. We ate a good lunch and then made our way around the various "countries" of the zoo.

Checking out the Gorillas

Checking out the goats at the petting zoo...
After the zoo we went to Spaghetti Warehouse for dinner. It was around 6 when we got there and there was a huge wait. Wyatt was sooooo exhausted by this point and so was mommy! He was not the most pleasant baby at dinner, very cranky and grabbing at everything he shouldn't be. But, eh, you win some, you lose some. It could have been much, much worse.

All in all we had a great day. Considering that Jeremy may be beginning to work 7 days a week here really soon I was glad we were able to get out with the family.