Saturday, January 30, 2010

6 months

I am late on this yet again.. SIGH.. I can say I started the post on the day that she turned 6 months but the clickety-clack of the keyboard was keeping my dear husband awak so I put the laptop away.

I am not sure on her stats but she is around 27.5 inches and maybe 17 pounds? We are just now getting ready to switch to size 3 diapers, 6-9 months clothes, and she just got her first pair of size 2 shoes. She is sleeping around 11 hours at night though sometimes she needs one of us to give her her binkie back in the middle of the night. She has 2 teeth and LOVE LOVE LOVES her exersaucer. She rolls both ways and has sat up for the first time like a pro the day after she turned 6 months. I think she could have done it sooner since I sat her down and she didn't wobble for 10 minutes but I kinda hadn't tried in awhile.. (insert blush here)...

She loves her brother and will watch him for an hour straight as he plays on the floor with his cars. She loves her baby dolls and will grind her little face into them when we hand them to her. She has also, for the last couple of weeks, been saying DADADADADA. I love it!

We are also only using the binkie at sleep times. This has been going on for at least over a month though so it isn't really news but I wanted to put it down for future reference. In the next month or so we will start trying out getting rid of it at naps and only using it at bedtime. Hopefully the same tactics that worked for Wyatt will work for Madelinn.. here's hoping!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

22 Months

So, Wyatt turned 22 months on the day I had my surgery. I am just now really getting a chance to write after missing a couple of days of class.

He is so big nowdays. He sits in a booster seat at the table but only because they are barstool height and he won't sit still without it and I am afraid he will fall. He can also drink out of a regular cup really well, never eats with his fingers anymore unless it is a food that calls for fingers, and is so independent it makes me crazy sometimes. He is so fun though and is growing into such a polite little boy. He always says please and thank you which I am so glad for. I think sometimes manners are considered optional and it was very important for him to learn to use his manners from as early as possible.

He has been a crazy wildman lately and seems to be getting a new bruise or bump every day. I think the fact that it is winter and we are trapped inside is having something to do with the pent up energy. I really wish this town had places for me to take him. The YMCA in town has a few things but they are never in time frames that I am available to take him to them. I am worried about him going into day care in the fall because he doesn't get to play much with other kids his age so this summer that is my major goal. Take him to places that have other little ones!

2 more months until his birthday. I am starting to order party supplies so we don't have to worry about it when the time comes. We can just sort out food and last minute things. We are having a train birthday since anything transportation seems to be the big thing at the moment!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


This has been one CRAZY week. I will bullet point it so I don't forget anything.

  • Last Sunday (1-3-10) Maddi poked her first tooth through. Bottom middle on the right. Jeremy had been telling me that he thought he saw some coming through but I had just felt her gums on Saturday night and felt a big, fat nuthin'! Then on Monday the bottom middle on the left came through! I had no idea she was teething! She had been chewing a lot and drooling but I knew she would be doing that WAY before she actually got teeth. Surprise!
  • I started back to school this week. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have to drive to Athens (roughly 45 minutes away) the across to Chillicothe (about an hour or a little over from Athens) and then home ( another 35-40 minutes) and the roads were TERRIBLE this first day of class. UGH.. I really, really hate having to go to 2 different campuses, especially on the same day, but this is my last quarter and these classes aren't offered on the same campus. BOO!
  • My Friday class was canceled, well we had assigments due online, so I snuggled up inside and studied my butt off for my Praxis PLT and Praxis Social Studies that I had to take on Saturday morning. I was SO nervous since these are the tests I have to take to not only graduate but to get my teaching licence in June.
  • Just when I had decided I was going to take a break from studing for the Praxis exams and work on my homework for class we had a terrible thing happen. It was eight o'clock and Jeremy was getting Wyatt ready to go to bed. Wyatt always says "hand" and likes to walk to his bedroom with Jeremy. Well Jeremy has his hand and either Wyatt loses his footing or drops to his knees for a toy, I am not sure which, jumps up like he is ok and then starts screaming bloody murder. This is the child that I was beginning to wonder if he had pain receptors (LOL) because he will crack his head HARD and get up laughing. Anyway he is freaking out so we are looking him over and trying to figure out what is wrong and realize that he isn't moving his right arm. Every time we move him to look at him he screams and refuses to grab anything I try to hand him. We finally decide we are taking him to the Emergency Room. I seriously thought we would take him the first time for one of his "daredevil" stunts he is always doing. Anyway, we lay him down to change his diaper and the poor kid is still screaming. It was terrible. Jeremy was so devastated even though I told him it could have happened one of the million times he has done that to me when I was holding his hand.

We call my grandma and my aunt and ask if we can bring Maddi there so we don't have to take her there with us and they say no problem so off we go to the ER. We ended up taking him to the hospital that is just 5 minutes from us even though I hate it and say I would never take my dog there.. eek.. because we can't get Wyatt strapped into his carseat. We had wrapped his arm to his side because we had no idea if it was broken or what. I rode in the back between the kids and held onto Wyatt and kept his arm tight to his side. We get to the ER and thank goodness there weren't many people out so we got back relitively quickly. Maybe a half hour from the time we sat down until we were in a room. They took him for x-rays first on his shoulder, then on his elbow and we find out he has what is called Nurse Maid's elbow. It literally took the doctor less than five minutes to put it back in. He just kind of rolled it around, rubbed it, and bent it a couple times. He wanted us to ice it and make sure he was using it before we could leave and I swear within 2 minutes he was flailing around like crazy and using his arm like nothing had been wrong. They gave him a little blue stuffed puppy for his pain and we were out the door. Bad thing was it was around 11 at this point and I had my tests the next morning. Can I blame it on this and no sleep if I don't pass the first time?

  • Saturday morning I was up at 5:45 to meet J so we could ride together to take our exams. We took the PLT (Principals of Learning and Teaching). Basically making sure we know how to teach and the Middle school social studies (5-9) exam. I felt really good about the PLT but I am really iffy on the social studies. I studied really hard but I felt like I knew NOTHING. I think if I passed it was by pure luck but I suppose you never know. Scores in 4 weeks. Cross your fingers for me!
  • Then to top it all off I ended up sick all day today. No doubt passed on from Wyatt to Jeremy to me. This is the first day Jeremy felt good and I end up feeling queasy all day. Thank goodness no vomiting though.
  • I think that is about it. I go in on Tuesday to have my gall bladder out since that is why I have been getting AWFULLY sick for the last year. *Knock on Wood* I haven't had an attack in a while. Then back to class on Thursday!