Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Almost ONE year old!!

I find it abosolutely UNBELIEVABLE that my baby girl will be ONE this Saturday. It just seems soooo unreal that it has been a year already! She is getting to be such a big girl.

She has quite the little personality and is still a Mommy's girl! We are still cloth diapering and loving it.. she hasn't been to the doctor yet for her one year appointment but I want to say that she is probably around 22 or 23 pounds and as far as length I don't even have an educated guess! I will update when we actually make it in next week. She still sleeps around 12 hours at night and takes 2 one or 1.5 hour naps a day. She is in size 12 month clothes and size 3 (almost 4) shoes. She isn't yet walking yet but has taken 3-4 steps at a time for the last couple of weeks. We are just waiting on her to take off!

She is saying a few words: Mom, Dad, Dog, That, Bite, Nan, Pap, Bub, Wyatt. I think there are a couple more but I can't remember right now. She is becoming very good at repeating, or at least trying to repeat, any word we say to her.

She loves to play with her brother and follows him around the house. Some of her favorite toys right now are some of his ride-on toys like his little tractor and power wheels 4-wheeler. She has recently learned to push the button to make it go until she runs into something that stops her. Turning isn't quite a priority right now apparently!

She is going through a bit of separation anxiety right now but it is at odd times. She doesn't really mind to go spend the night with Nana (where she spent her first 2 night weekend last weekend!) or usually doesn't care if I leave her with GG or Papa or really anyone. But, Lord, just let me leave the room and close a door for a second or two! I try to take Wyatt to the potty without her trying to climb in the bathtub or if I have to run into our bedroom to grab something and don't want her to try to eat the dog food and I have a full-on, crying, screaming, red-faced, balled-up-fist, baby waiting on the other side of the door when I come back! It is insanity!