Saturday, March 27, 2010

Lots Going on Around Here

We have been so absolutely busy around here lately!
First, W. The day before his birthday I had to take him to the doctor and he was diagnosed for a sinus infection. Enter Amoxicillian, which he as taken 2-3 other times with no problem. Well at about day 8, so the following saturday, I go to put him to bed and he has red bumps all over the place. Up his sides, around the top rim of his diaper, his armpits, his legs and arms. It was kind of scary but I thought, " looks like we are getting Chicken Pox out of the way early." So I call my mom and she agrees that she thinks it may be chicken pox. I then call the nurses line and they decided that they think it may be an amoxicillian rash and since he had been taking it but they generally aren't raised and these bumps were. She suggested we take him in to the urgent care the next day. It didn't open until noon so it wasn't a huge rush.
Fast forward to the next morning when Jeremy comes running into the bedroom and tells me to get dressed because we had to take him to the emergency room. His eyes were swollen shut, he was covered in what looked like welts and had started to throw up some bile. No fever or anything but we freaked to say the least. I throw some things together to keep him occupied and we head to the hospital. Jeremy stayed home to get someone to watch Miss M but it ended up that we were in and out pretty quickly. The doctors were pretty sure it was either an allergic reaction (to amoxicillian or something else) or some kind of virual thing that caused the rash but apparently treatment is the same for either one. We were given prescriptions for Azthromyicin (antibiotic), Prednizone (steroid), and children's Zyrtec. That was last Sunday and it took until yesterday before we had stopped debating taking him to Children's because the rash still hadn't gone away. I will post pictures, it was terrible.

Miss M: She hasn't had quite as much going on. She turned 8 months this past wednesday which deserves its own post but I am just so busy that I don't know if it will get one. I will try to put everything here. She is still in 6-9 month clothing, size 3 shoes, and sleeps all night with the occasion where we have to go in and give her her binkie in the middle of the night. She likes to stand at furniture if we put her there but she is not very interested in crawling. She is now getting up on hands and knees well and likes to rock but she has yet to go anywhere. She crosses her feet when she is on hands and knees so I have no idea what is going on with that. She is more of an observer than W was. She likes to watch things and figure them out. She is not quick to smile but when she does she will dazzle you. She has 4 teeth, all on bottom, and it doesn't look like we will have any on top any time soon. She also went to the doctor the Monday following W's birthday party and was diagnosed with an ear infection with one starting on the other side. She was also put on Amoxicillian with no problems.

Me: Well, soooo much.... I started student teaching this past Monday (good timing, huh? The morning after W's ER visit). It is going GREAT! I am in a 5th grade science classroom which is my ideal assignment. Anytime I had to write a lesson plan with no parameters it is always for 5th grade science. I also found out that she is retiring this year and no one has bid on the job from within. Sooooo, if I do a good job it is fairly likely I will be a shoo in for the job!!! They are keeping me hopping, and as always you have the students that require more of your energy than others, but I am having a blast!

The Hubby: Poor Hubbs doesn't have much going on. He is just working and keeping busy. He did just buy hardwood floors to put down in our living rooms so I am super pumped about that!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Wyatt is now 2!!

Yesterday was Wyatt's birthday! holy cow! It is official - I have a 2 year old! It just does not seem like it has been 2 years since I had the little guy!

He is growing into such a little man. He is going through his "mine" phase right now- an offshoot of the "terrible twos" I am sure- but we are working through it and I think we will all come out ok on the other side. ;)

We had his party today. The theme was "Two Two train." I am going to try to add pictures in tethe next couple of days since this darn dial up takes forever to do it here! Some of the highlights were his Step 2 Kangaroo climber from Nana and Pappy and we got him a bicycle. He also got tons of matchbox cars that were a big hit!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Miss M- 7 Months

7 months! I know every one of these I say this but I just can't believe how quickly the time is moving! Right now M is around maybe 18 pounds and 28"? I am not really sure on those stats and won't be until the end of April when she goes for her 9 month appointment. I do know that she is about ready to transition to a size 3 shoe and is in 6-9 month clothes but can still wear some of her 3-6 month shirts and comfy, non-jean pants. She is in a size 3 disposable diaper but since she is no longer in disposables I would say that will be the last sizing we see there... She sleeps from around 9pm to around 8am and take 2-3 naps a day at about 1.5-2 hours each.

She still doesn't seem to have any interest in crawling but for the last week or so she will tuck her knees under her but her face is on the floor. If I put her on her hands and knees she can stay there sometimes but she just kind of lets her knees slide out from under her most of the time. She is jabbering like crazy and says "dada" "bub" and "mama." She has 4 teeth... all on the bottom. She still loves to watch her brother do EVERYTHING! She rarely takes her eyes off from him. She holds her own bottle now but I still enjoy holding her while she eats! It won't be much longer before she wants to go everywhere so I am taking advantage while I can!

She also likes to stand. She can stand at the couch or exersaucer until she gets excited and squirms too much and falls over. But, her little legs are so strong that she can stand holding on to your fingers forever.

Well, Wyatt's birthday party is this weekend. 2 years old! Oh my!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Made the switch...

So I finally gave in to many of my online mommy friends and switched from 'sposies to cloth! I am sooooo excited to get started if you can believe that. I got a great deal since one of before mentioned mommy friends runs an at home business with which she sells diapers and I got a percentage off for being a member of this mommy group. Awesomeness. My beginning stash of 12 Knickernappies with loopydo inserts came yesterday and as I speak, ahem, type, they are drying! I am going to start tomorrow! I will post a picture at some point tomorrow of Miss M in her too stinking cute diapers. Next purchase is some Baby legs and a couple of Applecheeks and Rump-a-rooz....