Sunday, February 21, 2010

Love between siblings... And Trilingual baby?

To begin with I saw the Ab-SO-LUTELY cutest thing today. Miss M was in her exersaucer playing innocently and W came out of nowhere and starts saying "hug." He leans over and gives her a big hug with the "uhhhh" sound effect like he is squeezing her really tight (but really isn't). He then straightens up, smiles, and says "Lub you." Melt my heart! It just about brought tears to my eyes!!

As far as the whole trilingual thing goes I have caught W, in the last couple of days, saying words in both Spanish and Chinese. He watches Ni Hao, Kai Lan, Dora and Diego on a regular basis when his Grandma is here watching them during the day. I have to say we are guilty of leaving the tv on as background noise in a lot of cases.. :blush:. Anyway, he has one of those starlight turtles that puts constellations on his ceiling at night. He loves that little guy. Well he kept saying "Tortuga" and pointing at it. I couldn't help but laugh since La Tortuga is the spanish word for turtle. Lately his newest thing when he hears something is to point at his ear and saying "listen" or "hear" and whatever he hears. Like "Hear train." Well, last night we were grocery shopping and were in the process of checking out and I kept hearing him say "Ting" over and over. I turn around and he is pointing at his ear. After many, many reruns of one particular Kai Lan episode I have, as well, learned that Ting is the word in Chinese for listen. I would love for him to have a better grasp on languagues that I do. Maybe this is a good start?

1 comment:

Mama Bear said...

you sure do have a smarty pants and in the good way!! Noah has the same star light turtle and he loves it too. His grandma gave it to him!