Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Miss M- 7 Months

7 months! I know every one of these I say this but I just can't believe how quickly the time is moving! Right now M is around maybe 18 pounds and 28"? I am not really sure on those stats and won't be until the end of April when she goes for her 9 month appointment. I do know that she is about ready to transition to a size 3 shoe and is in 6-9 month clothes but can still wear some of her 3-6 month shirts and comfy, non-jean pants. She is in a size 3 disposable diaper but since she is no longer in disposables I would say that will be the last sizing we see there... She sleeps from around 9pm to around 8am and take 2-3 naps a day at about 1.5-2 hours each.

She still doesn't seem to have any interest in crawling but for the last week or so she will tuck her knees under her but her face is on the floor. If I put her on her hands and knees she can stay there sometimes but she just kind of lets her knees slide out from under her most of the time. She is jabbering like crazy and says "dada" "bub" and "mama." She has 4 teeth... all on the bottom. She still loves to watch her brother do EVERYTHING! She rarely takes her eyes off from him. She holds her own bottle now but I still enjoy holding her while she eats! It won't be much longer before she wants to go everywhere so I am taking advantage while I can!

She also likes to stand. She can stand at the couch or exersaucer until she gets excited and squirms too much and falls over. But, her little legs are so strong that she can stand holding on to your fingers forever.

Well, Wyatt's birthday party is this weekend. 2 years old! Oh my!

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