Monday, May 17, 2010

The kiddos are growing!

I haven't posted in soo long! The kids are keeping me so busy on top of student teaching. I finish that up on May 28th though and then starts the job hunt. Or at least that is when I start working on it harder!

Maddi is going to be 10 months old on the 24th. It doesn't seem like I will be planning her 1st birthday here in just a month or so! She is crawling everywhere, pulling up on everything, and cruising. She is pulling up on a couple of the little walker toys we have so I think she may start to use those soon. She will kinda push it forward a little, take a step or two, and then stand there for a minute or two before she does it again. I am not really sure if she will walk before her birthday but if I had to guess I would say maybe 11 months? She just doesn't seem very interested. She has added the words "that" and "stop" to her vocabulary. She loves to scream at Wyatt and he will scream back. That is their new (and not necessarily Mommy's favorite) form of communication. They are just so much fun and they are interacting more and more every day.

I am not sure if I posted or not, but we discovered that W is allergic to penicillian products a week or so after his birthday. He got this terrible, terrible rash and it was sooooo scary! I thought he had another ear infection today but it turns out that he has terrible ear wax build up so we have to put drops in every night and let them soak. That is going to be soooo difficult because I have no idea how we are going to get him to lay still. He also apparently has a viral infection and has been vomiting for the last few days. Ugh.. poor sick baby! He is such a smarty pants and is doing so many neat things. He knows all of his colors, numbers, letters, and shapes and can count to 10 and say his ABCs up to N on his own. He also recognizes his name when it is written. I may have mentioned this before but this is like my new baby book since his doesn't allow much information after 1 year except for birthday information. I think that is about all. I hear baby girl in her room muttering around like she has woken up. I had better go get her!