Sunday, June 7, 2009

So, I have definitely been slacking lately in the post department. There has been a TON going on with things being due for school and the like so I haven't been able to find time to write much. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, though. I have a final on Tuesday and then I have a short break before summer classes begin, so that should be nice. I am in need of a vacation! It doesn't really look like we are going to get to take one this year with Maddi making her appearance halfway through the summer so we are going to take one of our "mini-vacations." Looks like this year is going to be a stay in a cabin on a ginormous lake and a trip to the aquarium. It may only be 3 nights but I can tell you that we will all feel refreshed when it is over with!

We have also been working on Maddi's room like crazy. I am happy to say that it is done to the point that we are ready to set up furniture. It will be the end of the month before I can finish buying all of the decorative touches but I know what I want so that I can pick it up when the money comes in. That is exciting for me! That is about all on the me front.

Update on Wyatt: I can't believe he is almost 15 months old. It is INSANE how much he learns every day. Last time I counted we were up to around 35 words and maybe 15-20 other things that he can point to if you ask him where it is but he doesn't say the word. Though some of those, like "elephant" and "lion," he has begun to say since then. He amazes me. Usually we tell him a word maybe 2 times and he will start saying it himself. He picks up on things so quickly. He still loves books more than anything. He has also recently gotten a bubble mower that became a quick favorite in the toy department. He loves to ride the "tractor," read 4 wheeler, and if you put him on it you had better be prepared to take him for a ride. He will cry afterward so hard because he wants to get back on that you have to find something else (usually a trip to see the "horsie") to keep him from having a breakdown.

Jeremy has recently finished his second year as an apprentice for the IBEW! YAY, Hubby! He is currently in a very close running with another classmate for top student in the class but we won't find out if he got it until later this month. I am so proud of him! These classes are mainly math and he hadn't taken a math class since HS and since he had put in 12 years in the military so it is incredible how well he is doing. He is now officially a 3rd year (of 5) but that has kind of been shifted around a bit since they have went to year round schooling. He will actually graduate in a little under 5 years now that they go one full day, every other week instead of 2 evenings a week from September to June. This schedule will be really nice for my schooling so that we don't have to worry about evening sitters since Daddy will be home.

And me: I am starting to feel huge! I was 8 months (32 weeks) this past thursday. It is going by so quickly but I know it is bound to slow down now! She is moving like crazy and I have gained around 14 pounds, which isn't great but I suppose not awful either. I can tell you anything I gain this time HAS to be better than the around 60 I gained with W!

I am finally getting closer to graduating! WHOO HOO! I am taking summer classes the first half of summer which ends 5 days before M's due date. After these are finished I will have 5 classes left (2 in Fall, and 3 in winter) and then student teaching. I will be OU Alumni at this time next year! FINALLY!