Thursday, August 26, 2010

It's been forever!

So much has been going on that I have been neglecting my blog! I am really hoping to use this as a way to keep track of what is going on with the kids but this internet connection here in the boonies makes uploading pictures a nightmare!

Well, my baby girl, most likely my last baby, is now one year old. ONE! Actually 13 months! So here is the run down of Miss Madelinn at 13 months old:

She started walking 2 days after her birthday and took off like she had been doing it forever. She has been so proud of herself! Now, recently, she learned to turn in circles untils she can barely stand up and she giggles the whole time. She also has this extremely high pitched giggle that she does when she gets excited and I am really hoping to catch it on video sometime soon before she stops doing it. She loves it when Wyatt chases her around and around the kitchen island or when she is getting into something she knows she shouldn't be and hears us coming to get her. Situations like those are where we get this ADORABLE laugh and I LOVE it!

She is sleeping around 12 hours at night still, takes 2 one to two hour naps a day (sometimes more depending on the day), is wearing 12 or 18 month clothing and size 5 shoes. Her favorite toys are Wyatt's matchbox cars, his green John Deere tractor, his powerwheels 4wheeler, and books. Notice that she is attached to all of his toys instead of her own which I suppose is a good thing because he always wants to play with all of her things.

She loves her big brother so much and constantly wants to play with him. He is going through a very rough "mine" stage right now and I wonder if it would have been easier had she been born with a larger age-spacing or if it would be worse? Either way she lights up when she sees him and one of her favorite things to do is to go into his room with me to get him up in the mornings or from naps whenever she is not sleeping herself.

She is such a good baby and is content to go off and play on her own if he is napping or Mommy and Daddy are busy. She is excellent when it comes to something laying out that may not be meant for her to play with (like Mommy's laptop) and rarely bothers things that she shouldn't. She doesn't need many toys to keep her happy. She could spend most of the day on my lap reading and be just as happy as days I take them to the park or outside to play or swim.

I think that is about it for now. I need to add some recent pictures. Next post: Wyatt. The last 2 times I have been on have been significant for baby girl so it is his turn!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Holy crap -- there you are, Cassie! I've been wondering about you guys. Sounds like all is well -- happy belated birthday to your little girl!