Thursday, April 8, 2010

SOOO busy lately!!

I feel so bad that I haven't been blogging lately! This is my record as I tend to forget to fill in the baby book and I have to reference my blog to try to keep up.

I didn't do a post for Maddi's 8 month. She is in a size 3 shoe, size 6-9 months clothing (and 12 months pants because those cloth diapers make her bottom half so fluffy!). Another great piece of information is that Maddi started crawling last Thursday (4-1-10)! It was so exciting because I could tell she was SO close and all of a sudden she just took off! She is still moving slowly and is a very cautious crawler. She is going further and further every day though.

Student teaching is going amazing, though. I have to say that I picked the right profession for me and I loooove this age group! 5th graders are so much fun!

So, just a short note on a few important pieces of information. I have to get going; lesson plans to write!

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