Saturday, January 30, 2010

6 months

I am late on this yet again.. SIGH.. I can say I started the post on the day that she turned 6 months but the clickety-clack of the keyboard was keeping my dear husband awak so I put the laptop away.

I am not sure on her stats but she is around 27.5 inches and maybe 17 pounds? We are just now getting ready to switch to size 3 diapers, 6-9 months clothes, and she just got her first pair of size 2 shoes. She is sleeping around 11 hours at night though sometimes she needs one of us to give her her binkie back in the middle of the night. She has 2 teeth and LOVE LOVE LOVES her exersaucer. She rolls both ways and has sat up for the first time like a pro the day after she turned 6 months. I think she could have done it sooner since I sat her down and she didn't wobble for 10 minutes but I kinda hadn't tried in awhile.. (insert blush here)...

She loves her brother and will watch him for an hour straight as he plays on the floor with his cars. She loves her baby dolls and will grind her little face into them when we hand them to her. She has also, for the last couple of weeks, been saying DADADADADA. I love it!

We are also only using the binkie at sleep times. This has been going on for at least over a month though so it isn't really news but I wanted to put it down for future reference. In the next month or so we will start trying out getting rid of it at naps and only using it at bedtime. Hopefully the same tactics that worked for Wyatt will work for Madelinn.. here's hoping!