Wednesday, January 20, 2010

22 Months

So, Wyatt turned 22 months on the day I had my surgery. I am just now really getting a chance to write after missing a couple of days of class.

He is so big nowdays. He sits in a booster seat at the table but only because they are barstool height and he won't sit still without it and I am afraid he will fall. He can also drink out of a regular cup really well, never eats with his fingers anymore unless it is a food that calls for fingers, and is so independent it makes me crazy sometimes. He is so fun though and is growing into such a polite little boy. He always says please and thank you which I am so glad for. I think sometimes manners are considered optional and it was very important for him to learn to use his manners from as early as possible.

He has been a crazy wildman lately and seems to be getting a new bruise or bump every day. I think the fact that it is winter and we are trapped inside is having something to do with the pent up energy. I really wish this town had places for me to take him. The YMCA in town has a few things but they are never in time frames that I am available to take him to them. I am worried about him going into day care in the fall because he doesn't get to play much with other kids his age so this summer that is my major goal. Take him to places that have other little ones!

2 more months until his birthday. I am starting to order party supplies so we don't have to worry about it when the time comes. We can just sort out food and last minute things. We are having a train birthday since anything transportation seems to be the big thing at the moment!

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