Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Maddi's 2 month appointment

The appointment yesterday didn't go nearly as bad as I anticipated. First, she weighed in at 12 pounds even ( 75%) and 23 inches (70%). I am not sure exactly what her head circumference was but she was in the 40th percentile on it. She was all smiles and coos in the waiting room and then in the examination room. She, of course, wanted to eat as soon as we got there so she ate on and off until the dr came in. Dr S said she is hitting all of her milestones exactly as they like to see it; so that is great!

Then came the shots. I had been dreading it! She did so well though. There were some tears when they were actually doing the shots but within 30 seconds of me picking her up when they were done she was done crying. No side effects that have shown up except for sleeping a little bit extra yesterday so that is excellent!

She doesn't have another visit until November so next up is Wyatt's 18 month on October 15.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Ack! Tomorrow is Madelinn's 2 month appointment which means 2 month shots. I am so stressed out about this! For Wyatt's, Jeremy held him and I stood by the door with my hands clutched together in front of my face and tears in my eyes. I have to go alone tomorrow, though, so there is not any way I can stay in the waiting room. It isn't so hard for me with Wyatt anymore because I know he needs the shots and he seems much more sturdy now but she still seems so fragile! Wish me luck!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Little Miss Mad Maddi is 2 months old!

Well, today is Maddi's official 2 month birthday... (She will actually be 9 weeks tomorrow). I can't believe time is flying like it is! We haven't been to her 2 month appointment yet so I am not sure about her measurements. At 6 weeks she was 22.75 inches which was 90th percentile and 10 pounds and 14 ounces which was 80th percentile. I am guessing, using the very scientific "step on a scale while holding baby and then weigh yourself" method, that she is around 12 pounds and 6 ounces and I am not too certain about length. She still fits into her 0-3 months clothing really well.

She has been doing excellent! "Talking" all the time and smiling constantly! She is eating around 6 ounces every 3 hours during the day though sometimes she doesn't even finish that! She is nothing like her brother was in that regard! She is also sleeping from around 11pm until about 6am in the morning, sometimes longer! That is so great! I am so glad that I was blessed with great sleepers because Mommy really likes her sleep.

She has been having some "fits" in the evening around every 3 days right before bed but I think that has something to do with being overstimulated and just needing an outlet to wind down her day!

I will do another post when we get better measurements and percentiles on her on Tuesday. I am anxious to see how she is growing but NOT looking foward to her shots!

Monday, September 14, 2009

25 Firsts!

25 Firsts! Stolen from Sarah!

1. Who was your first prom date? A family friend named Kyle. I REALLY didn't want to go since I was never a "joiner" in school but he told me that he would like to go with me and my friends were begging me to go so off I went. I wouldn't have regretted missing it had I not gone, though. Oddly enough he started dating a girl he met there (he was from a different school).

2. Do you still talk to your first love? Nope. He was my first love but that doesn't mean he was a very good person. I finally realized that right before Jeremy and I started dating.

3. What was your first alcoholic drink? Heh. Boone's Farm wine.. LOL.. My mom gave me some when we were camping one weekend...

4. What was your first job? If you don't count babysitting it was working at a pizza place for like 3 months in high school.

5. What was your first car?1995 Hyundai Accent. My mom didn't want me learning to drive in her brand new F-150 so she bought it from a friend so I could learn to drive in my own car. It was also a standard. Mom said if I could drive a standard I could drive anything.

6. Who was the first person to text you today? I honestly don't know if I have gotten any texts today.. My phone has been in the other room for awhile though..

7. Who was the first person you thought of this morning? Madelinn, she woke me up wanting to eat at 5

8. Who was your first grade teacher? Mrs. Rupert.

9. Where did you go on your first flight in a plane? Mexico when I was in 6th grade.

10. Who was your first best friend and do you still talk? Meagan and I haven't talked to her in a couple of years.

11. Where was your first sleepover? Meagan's I am sure

12. Who was the first person you talked to today? Wyatt =)

13. Whose wedding were you in for the first time? My mom's when she married my step-dad

14. What was the first thing you did this morning? Changed Maddi's diaper

15. What was the first concert you went to? Aerosmith!

16. First tattoo? I don't have any though I have considered it a couple of times. You would think that after a surgery, 2 kids, and my belly button pierced I wouldn't worry about the needle anymore.

17. First piercing? My ears when I was 6 months old.

18. First foreign country you went to? Mexico!

19. First movie you remember seeing? Hmm. The Land Before Time but I don't think it was in the theater... In theater it was probably Jurassic Park?

20. What state did you first live in? Ohio

21. Who was your first room mate? Meghan

22. When was your first detention? I never had one. I was the "good kid."

24. What is one thing you would learn, given the chance? I would really like to learn to play the guitar.

25. Who will be the next person to post this? No idea =)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Vocabulary at 18 months

Here is a list of words I have been compiling of Wyatt's Vocabulary at 18 months. These are all words that are known to him by sight of the object or person without any prompting.


"Mom-E"- Mommy with a HUGE empahsis on the "E"






"Day-sha"- My aunt Stacia

"Nanie"- Grannie

"Am-Maw"- Grandma


"Nana"- Banana

"Papple"- Apple

"Pape"- Grape

"Druit"- bowls of mixed fruit

"Mu-mum-er"- Cucumber




"Mato"- Tomato




"An Akes"- Pancakes

"Druit"- Fruit

"Deggs"- Eggs

Animals: (The ones in red he also knows the sound for them)









"Drog"- Frog




"Peppo"- Hippo


"Mama"- Llama





"Ouse"- Mouse





"Mehr-mane"- Airplane

"Druk"- Truck

"Nain"- Train



"Do-Dyke-al"- Motorcycle


"Dar-Druk"- Fire truck

"Mi" - Semi

"Del Dopter"-Helicopter

"Am mance"- Ambulance



At the moment I know I am missing a TON of words and I will add as I think of them. I need to go through his books and write them down as I do.

18 months

Wyatt is 18 months! One and a half. When did this happen?!?! He is such an amazing little boy and I am SO SO blessed to have him in my life. I don't know how I got so lucky to have him.

As of right now he is pretty much completely in 24 month clothing and size 7.5-8 shoes. He is also in size 5 diapers.

Lately he has been transitioning lately from 2 naps to one. He is still pretty tired in the evening but we have been holding him off so that he doesn't nap two hours before bedtime but sometimes he really, really needs it. Most days we are just down to one though and I am not sure how I feel about that. LOL

His favorite books are still Brown bear, brown bear and Polar bear, polar bear. He will hand it to one of us and say "thank you" and will wait for us to read it. If we don't start immediately he will start to "cry" until we open it and begin reading and he becomes all smiles. Little manipulator. I am really glad that he is so interested in books but I am going to have to get the other books that are similar like Baby bear, baby bear so that we have some variety.

Jeremy and I were making a list the other day of words that he knows by sight of the object and we were up around 100+. It is insane. Many of them you may not know what they are unless you know them but he knows what they are when he sees them and is sure to tell you. Like cucumber being "Mu-mum-er." If he sees one or a picture of one that is what he says so I know that is what he means. He amazes me.

His favorite tv shows are Sid the Science Kid, Super Why!, Yo Gabba Gabba, and anything with skateboards or motorcycles.

That is about all for now but up next is a post with all of his words!

Also, for anyone who has flown with a little one are there any tips? I think we are flying in february and it is going to be all 4 of us (8 month old and 23 month old).

Just a quick update

There isn't a whole lot going on around here lately but I have noticed that if I don't write every few days I will get out of the habit!

So a bit on each of us:

I started back to school last Tuesday and so far it is going OK. I only took two classes this quarter because of Maddi being so small that I have to get 2 babysitters every time I leave. I have Physics (which is my last class that isn't an education class) and my Social Studies Methods which basically teaches the best ways to teach Social Studies. I think it is going to be a relatively easy class but I am pretty sure I am going to work pretty hard at physics in order to get a B. I haven't had anything below an A- since the quarter before Wyatt was born and I hate to break that streak but I just know physics is going to do it for me. I am determined to get that B though.

I also started my diet on Tuesday. I have been talking about doing it since I was pregnant with Maddi so I waited until right after my birthday and took the plunge. I am doing a low-carb diet since that is the only thing that has worked for me in the past and it is pretty quick. I get REALLY discouraged if I don't see changes pretty fast and I quit so I have to do something that shows me quick results. So far I have lost around 6 pounds which isn't so bad in less than a week. Hopefully it continues to work for me.

Jeremy has just been working his tail off. He is in his third year of his electrical apprenticeship and really loves it. I am glad that he decided to do this rather than go back into the USAF. I know he loves the military but I just don't think I could do it on my own right now if he were to deploy so luckily he found another well-paying job in electrical work. He has been a tad bit stressed the last week trying to find someone to fix our big truck so that we have another nice vehicle and something to pull the horse trailer with. Something happened to the axle and we are hoping to have it fixed by this weekend. YAY!

Wyatt turned 18 months old yesterday and that is most definitely deserving of its own post but I am still working on it. I want to do something on his vocabulary and I have been adding words as I go. Maybe I will just go ahead and do a post and then do a separate one when I finally get the list finished....

Maddi has been such a sweet little girl lately. She still has her moments where she gets overwhelmed and cries it out but they are quickly under control. Over the last couple of weeks she has really started to coo and "talk" to us. Smiles are getting much more predictable which is great because we are having new pictures done in the next couple of weeks.

Well, that is about it! Think I am going to type up a quick 18 month post on Wyatt really quick and then hit the sack.

Monday, September 7, 2009

One Month appointment

A quick update on Madelinn while I have the chance. I took her to her 1 month appointment on Sept 3(when she was actually a day short of 6 weeks) and she measured 22 3/4 inches and 10pounds and 14 ounces. She was 80% for weight and 90% for length. She is cooing like crazy and smiling tons; especially at mommy and big brother. She loves her swing and bouncy seat and is sleeping right around 6 hours at night sometimes more and sometimes less. We just went up to feeding her six ounces at a time every 3-3.5 hours yesterday because up until then she sometimes woudn't even finish five.

I looked in Wyatt's baby book and at his 1 month appointment (at 1 month and 2 days) he was 11pounds 5 ounces and 22 3/4 inches long and was eating 6-7 ounces each feeding.

I haven't been on much lately. I finally joined the rest of the world and started the Twilight series. I started a week ago yesterday and by the time I turn off the light tonight I will have finished the fourth book. I am addicted... It is a sickness. LOL

School starts back tomorrow. 2 quarters and student teaching to go!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Great Family Weekend

This past weekend we spent a lot of good quality family time. It was long past due because Jeremy worked the weekend before and didn't get to spend much time with us =(. We spent most of the day Saturday just lounging around the house and getting little chores done but it was a great day nonetheless. Wyatt is finally reaching the age that he can go "help" daddy so he spent most of the day outside stacking sticks and running wild in the horse pasture with Jeremy. He gave him a bit of a scare when he took a bite out of a toadstool but luckily Daddy was paying close attention and scooped it out and rinsed out his mouth before he actually got to chew it any! Thank goodness

Sunday we went to my ex-step dad's house where they were having a horseshoes tournament. There were tons of people and Wyatt was showing off his cuteness by laughing and smiling at everyone. There were a couple of older kids and he kept wanting to hug them. He was so facinated that he followed them out into the yard and was watching their every move. It was too cute when the little girl started doing cartwheels so he decided that he needed to do something similar and started putting his head on the ground and trying to do a somersault. He finally manages to flop over and is SO excited that he continues to do them for a good half hour!

Another cute story really quick since I hear him waking up through the monitor. Yesterday when Jeremy got home from work he went into the bathroom to wash his face and hands. When he came out his hair was wet. Wyatt crawled up on his lap and kept looking at Jeremy with an odd look on his face and touches his hair and says "naining" (raining). He just keeps saying it over and over and then starts looking toward the window where a very sunny day was coming to a close. He just couldn't figure out what was going on! It was tooo cute. The wonder of little minds!