Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Poor Wyatt...

After 2 bouts with ear infections, (And now that mommy has one as well), we have been having a lot of crankiness in the Channell home lately! :) As a result of his ear infection and antibiotics, Wyatt got a bit of a red bum so the pediatrician prescribed clotrimasole which is a medicated cream meant to fight yeast infections caused by antibiotics. Needless to say, a teeny spot of red bum ended up turning into an AWFUL diaper rash! Two nights ago the poor guy was screaming his head off and trying to get away from us every time we changed his diaper. We felt SO bad for him! We ended up calling the nurses hotline at the pediatrician and they gave us some tricks to try, like a baking soda bath and letting him to go naked to let air to it, which seemed to help a bit. They told us to make an appointment due to the fact that the first cream didn't help and they needed to be sure it wasn't the cream. We didn't see his normal doctor so it was a bit harder to talk to them but they just prescribed a similar cream (Nistatin). But, it was really my Webmd mommies and friend Steph who saved the day with suggestions. I am happy to say that his bum is getting better with the help of a mixture of 1/4 cup corn starch, 1/4 cup maalox, and 1/4 cup aquaphor. It is working WONDERS!!!!

Monday, December 29, 2008


Myspace Comments from 123mycodes.com

So Christmas was great for the family, especially Wyatt! He made out like a little bandit!! I guess that is what you get with him being the first grandchild and great grandchild on both sides! I am going to do a rundown of what he got so that I can remember later on!

Wyatt in front of the Christmas Tree on Christmas Eve.. before presents were finished being wrapped! Mommy was slacking this year!

From Mommy and Daddy:

Elmo Live!
Playschool air popper... You hit the button on top and it makes these balls go everywhere inside
My First Night Before Christmas book
I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly book
Corey the Combine toy/book
Shape Sorter block
2008 Teddy Bear

From Nana and Poppy Gladman:

John Deere step stool
Giddy up and Go pony
John Deere four wheeler
Sit and Spin Zebra
3 pairs of Wrangler Jeans

From Grandma and Grandpa Baisden

John Deere Ride-on Tractor
2 sleepers

From Papa McIntosh and Aunts Brenna and Brianna:

Opening presents at GG's house

Go Baby Jungle Animal Parade
Outfit with Outdoors Jacket
Music Table

From GG

3 Little Golden Books
John Deere Alphabet Book
3 Outfits
Car push Toy

From Great Uncle Ken and Great Aunt Helen


From Great Aunt Stacia


So he pretty much is good on new toys and clothes for a bit! So far his favorite toys are his musical table and his Elmo, though he is a bit rough on Elmo as of right now! He will stand at his music table and push the buttons so that it will play a song and then will "sing" and "dance" along with it! It is the cutest thing I have ever seen!

On a final note, We are so grateful for our families and consider ourselves blessed to have been given the opportunity to be a part of such an amazing group of people!

Wyatt's Christmas Haul:

Sunday, December 21, 2008


We found out on November 16th that we have another little one on the way in July! Jeremy and I are both extremely excited and can't wait to have an addition to the family. It will be so great for Wyatt to have someone so close to his age to grow up with. They will be around 16 months apart. Jeremy and I were both only children so we wanted him to have that bond that only siblings have.

We had our first doctor appointment for the new baby on December 12 and we found out that I am not as far along as I had originally thought. I was 7 weeks and 2 days and have and Estimated Due Date of July 30th, 2009. We got a picture of the new little one and saw the heartbeat. It is so amazing to witness a new life. My next appointment is on January 9, 2009 and we will probably have another ultrasound on that day, just to check on the baby since I will only be 11 weeks and they generally don't attempt to listen for the heartbeat with a doppler until 12 weeks. More soon!

Late again but 9 month post

Wyatt riding his toy (only backwards) just over 9 months

So, I am late again! I really need to make myself keep this updated! =) I have yet to add any pictures because we can't get anything but dial up at the house and it takes forever but I promise to add some pictures really soon!

I can't believe that my baby boy turned 9 months old on the 12th! It doesn't seem like he should be 9 months already! He is growing so quickly.

In the last couple of days Wyatt has been cutting 3 teeth on the top. He is absolutely miserable because it is hurting him so badly! Poor guy!

He had his 9 month check up and he weighed in at 27 pounds and 14 ounces (>97%) and 30 inches long (90-95%). This really surprised me because between his 6 month appointment on September 29 to an appointment for an ear infection on December 10 he had only gained one pound but between December 10 and the 18th he gained 2 pounds! He must have been feeling better. He had been sick for almost 3 weeks straight with bronchiolitis and a double ear infection.

He is mainly in 18 month clothing and still in the size 4 diapers. He is also in a size 5 shoe (and has been for around 2.5 months.

His milestones for 8 months:

He is still cruising around furniture

He loves walking behind his push toys, though he thinks he should run behind it rather than walk

He loves it when Daddy is home from work and lights up when he walks through the door

He doesn't want Mommy to leave his sight throughout the day and wants one of us to sit with him at bedtimes until he falls asleep

He will walk about 6-8 steps on his own before he realizes that he sees something that he wants

He stands without support for increasingly longer periods

He still loves to wave "hi" and "bye"

He Loves to:

Pull poor Max's hair (our miniature schnauzer). It is a good thing Max is a good sport

Look out the window and watch the wind blow the trees, or snow, which ever is happening that day

Take Mommy's food if she dare eat in front of him =)

Feed himself! He is sick of that baby puree!

We can't wait for him to get to open his gifts on Christmas! He loves to tear paper so I am sure that the wrapping paper will be much more exciting to him but it will be exciting nonetheless!

Tune in for more soon! I promise I won't slack this time!