Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I HATE winter!!!!

I am incredibly anxious for Jeremy and I to move our family someplace warm! This winter weather is really getting to me and this past week was incredibly crazy for us.

It all started at around 2 am this morning when Jeremy woke me up and told me that I had to look outside. I knew that we had some bad weather coming and figured that there was an outrageous amount of snow outside. We had already been hit pretty hard by about 4" of snow and we had some rain falling that was instantly turning to ice when I had went to bed around 12:30. I crawled across the bed to look outside and the entire sky was lit up bright orange and blue so I knew their had to be a fire somewhere. We started trying to look around and finally through some trees saw a fire near the 2 lane highway that is relatively close to our house. About this time we decided it had to be a power line down because of all the ice or a transformer that had blown. At that exact moment the electric went out!

Now, if it were just Jeremy and I it wouldn't have been such an issue. We would have made a bed in front of the fireplace and had take out for a day or two. But it isn't just us anymore. We have baby Wyatt and we were worried about him getting cold. I called my aunt and talked to her to make sure that the electric was still on in town and then began gathering everything we needed in order to last a day or two away from home. Into my grandma's we trekked at 4am and finally got down to sleep only to be awoken by wyatt wanting his breakfast at 7:30. Food does not wait for power outages!

We were doing pretty well at Grandma's until around 10 am when the electric there went off. Luckily it is within city limits so they had it back on within around a half hour. Power has been down all over the county as well as the surrounding counties. Also, when Jeremy went to check on the house Wednesday there were multiple trees down around our property as well!

Thursday proved to be just as trying since the electric decided to tease us by going on and off several times. That night, Grandma's house began to get awfully crowded so around 10pm we packed up and went home since we had heard the electric was back. It was on all night until about 9am on Friday morning. Since my car was parked half way up the drive due to ice, I didn't want to walk down with Wyatt so I lit a fire in the fireplace and kept us in that living room as much as possible. Jeremy was able to get a generator and we decided to go to a friends house to combine that with their generator so that we would have a house with full electric and heat. In the middle of packing up, our electric came back on and luckily has stayed that way.

This all still sums up to the fact that I am READY TO MOVE!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Last one today! New look!

I decided that I am in this blogging thing for the long haul so I finally changed the look of my page from the prefabricated looks. I thought this one was SO cute! The pictures on the top are some of my favorites.

1) The picture to the right of Jeremy and I in our Halloween duds is a special one. This was basically our first date. I say basically because we had known each other for over a year and a half at that point but never caught each other at the right time to date. I happened to have rode my horse to his house shortly before he had this party and he mentioned he was having it. Later, he and I were on the phone and I asked him if it was ok if my roommate and I came down after we had been at the block party in Athens. He agreed and so there we were! Thanks, Meghan, for taking this picture!

2) The picture of the family to the left was taken at the beginning of November. Wyatt is around 7.5 months old. Little did we know, but baby #2 is also in this picture as well!

3) Wyatt and Elmo was taken around a week before Christmas when we discovered he loved Elmo. Nana and Pappy Gladman bought him this Tickle me Elmo and it made him an incredibly happy little baby!

4) The picture in the middle of Jeremy and I was taken just a few nights ago. The reason it made the cut was because it is the most recent picture of the two of us. I took it while we were getting ready for date night!

5) And finally, my little rotten baby while he was getting into stuff he wasn't supposed to be at GG's house. This picture will probably be replaced soon with a picture (ultrasound) of baby #2.

Wyatt, my little class clown!

This past friday I was not feeling well so I was laying on the couch a lot and if I wasn't on the couch I was laying on the floor letting Wyatt crawl all over me. Well, at one point while he was off playing by himself and I kept hearing him say "Ma...Ma...Ma...Ma..." over and over. I knew he wasn't talking about/to me because when he does that he says "mom mom mom mom mom" so I snuck over closer so I could see what he was doing. I couldn't believe what I saw! Each time he said "Ma" he would get a huge spit bubble that came up between his lips. So he kept doing it. If for some reason one didn't form he would get mad a grunt around then start all over to make them again! It was hilarious! I kick myself now for not getting the camera or video cameral out but since he has learned this new trick we have been seeing it pretty often, so hopefully I can get it on film soon!!!

Belated Baby #2 Update

I can't believe that I didn't remember to post this the day of the appointment. I had my second dr. appt on January 16th for Wyatt's little brother or sister. I ended up having to take Wyatt with me to the doctor, which was interesting because he was angry that he couldn't get into things and the office was so small to fit his stroller into. Note to mommy: make sure you get an umbrella stroller ASAP!

Anyway, this was my first appointment with my new doctor in the new office since all of the hooplah that caused me to change offices. I really loved the receptionists. They were so nice and accomodating and it was amazing how quickly I got back to an appointment room. Usually it can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours at the old office and at this office, by the time I had my paperwork filled out the medical assistant was waiting at the door for me. Once I got to the room, it took maybe 10 minutes to see the doctor. It was great!

The doctor checked on the baby and for some reason it didn't want to cooperate it took quite awhile to find. Finally a heartbeat was found, 150 beats per minute, which is perfect, though we only got a short listen before baby moved. Around 150 is where Wyatt's heartbeat stayed most of the time so I am still thinking this one is another boy. Stay posted for baby names because we are still debating!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A house (almost) full of sickies!

Poor Wyatt has been sick most of this week with a little rattle and a bit of a cough. We have been doing breathing treatments and trying to keep from taking him out of the house if we can help it. Then yesterday, out of nowhere, mommy woke up sick too! It was awful! I didn't feel like even moving let alone doing anything else. But, as all mommies out there know, you don't get a sick day once you are a mom. I was trying my hardest to still play with Wyatt and make sure he was feeling ok when the smell of his graham crackers and breathing treatments about had me rushing to the bathroom! Luckily, I feel a bit better today and Wyatt is starting to sound less rattly as well. Good thing being that Jeremy has yet to get it....

On a side note, Wyatt has found a new favorite toy. Books! (which makes Mommy very happy). He will skip over all of his other toys to sit on the floor and flip through a book while "reading" it to me. He will just sit and jabber away. It is just too cute. We just got our books from the Children's book o the month club and sat last night and looked through them. He immediately took off with 2 of them to "read." For those of you who haven't signed up for this great service, I recommend it. I ordered the enrollment package where I got 8 books for $2 and then 2 more for $4.95 each. To top it all off, if you order those last 2 then you only have to buy 2 more in 2 years and they are running a deal right now that you can buy 2 and get 1 free!! Shipping is the expensive part but many of the books I ordered were sets of 3-5 books that counted as one! Anyway, enough plugging but since they don't automoatically ship books anymore it ended up being a great deal!! Well, I hear him waking up from a nap! More later!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

10 months old!

Rotten Ralphie the day after he turned 10 months

It is so hard to believe that Wyatt is 10 months old already! It is crazy to think that this little guy that is all over the house is the same baby that I brought home from the hospital 10 months ago. It is amazing the little person he has turned into. He has his own distinct personality and likes and dislikes. It makes me sad to think he is growing up so quickly but also excited to see what he is going to become.

As of right now he is in mainly all 18 month clothing, size 5 shoes, size 4 diapers and is right around 31" and 26-27 pounds.

He also has 4 teeth through, 2 on top and 2 on bottom, as well as trying to cut 2 more on top.

Milestones for month 9:

Began walking alone

Still doesn't want Mommy to leave the room, even if he is off playing by himself and still gets extremely excited when Daddy is home with us

He learned a couple of new words this month. He now loves to point at things and say "that" or "dat" as it is and also "bath" or "bap" as he says it! =)

He is also completely off the bottle now and takes all formula from a sippy cup

All big people food now, no more baby food!

He loves to

read with Mommy and Daddy. He just got a bunch of new books that he likes to turn the pages as we read.

Still loves to pick on poor Max and pull on his hair and collar.

Stand at the window and watch the wind blow as well as Daddy working outside.

Feed himself

Eat off from Mommy's plate.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

He is Officially Walking!

As of January 3, 2008, Wyatt began walking officially. I had known he could do it for awhile as his distances without getting down to crawl were getting longer and longer but I waited until he made the transition from crawling more to walking more before I declared him "walking." =)... We are SO proud of him! He gets so excited when we ask him to walk to one of us and he can! He just gets a big smile, puts those arms up for balance, and takes off. It is so amazing to think how far he has come and how much he has learned in the last almost 10 months! Just to think that a mere 9 months ago he was this cute little lump of baby that was just learning how to smile! And to think his first birthday is right around the corner. Give mommy a tissue because she IS NOT ready!!!