Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wyatt's 18 month Well Check

Today I took Wyatt to his 18 month Well Child Checkup. It was an AWFUL trip to say the least but Wyatt definitely showed me just how good he can be in tough situations... except when it came to the actual checkup!

Quick Stats:
Height: 35 and 3/4" (greater than 99%)
Weight: 31 lbs 9oz (95%)
Head: 19" (58%)

I had made this appointment almost a month and a half ago and today was the soonest they could get us in so he had his 18 month check a few days over 19 months. We get there 10 minutes early for his appointment which was supposed to be at 3:10. We didn't even get called back to a room until after 4:10 and didn't see the Pediatrician until 5:00. It was absolutely ridiculous! It is an office with 11 pediatricians so the waiting room was of course busy, which I hate. If I didn't absolutely LOVE our pediatrician we would switch in a heartbeat. We just don't have that many options in our area, unfortunately.

Wyatt was so good in the waiting room. Watching the fish in the giant fish tank they have there. He especially loved this big bright yellow one. He was trapped in his stroller for an hour though. I was supposed to be in class at 5:30 and had arranged for my dad to meet me in town to pick up Wyatt at 4 and drive him the half hour home to Jeremy so I could go straight to class but he had to be home by 5:45 so I ended up having to send him home and missed class because I had to bring Wyatt home.

Next, the nurse comes in to measure him and he FUH-LIPS out when she tries to measure around his head. This is so odd because usually he is all smiles and cooperation at the doctor but it has been 6 months since he as been there. I end up having to hold him down for that and pretty much everything else. I felt SO bad! He ended up getting 2 shots but since there is a nationwide shortage of flu shots they didn't have one for us. Dr.S put me on her list to call me personally if any come in, though, since Maddi is so young.

All- in - all it was a good appointment. I was surprised to see that he is a higher percentage for height than weight. He has always been over 90% for both since he was born but I am pretty sure this is the first time the height was that much higher than weight.

A side note, I think we have it figured out that the kids don't have to go into day care in March! Whoo hoo. Now I just have to worry about what will happen when I start teaching in the fall (fingers crossed I find a job) but we will cross that bridge when we get to it!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Wow, Wyatt is doing great! He has an inch and 6 lbs. on Andrew!

Sorry you had to wait that long--that is ridiculous. That is one good thing about my clinic--I have never had to wait more than 5-10 minutes.

I am impressed he sat in the stroller for an hour--Andrew will SCREAM if the stroller stops and we don't immediately take him out. Then if we take him out, he will run away (you can about imagine him having free roam at the clinic!).