Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Another Trip to the Zoo

Sunday was Jeremy and I's wedding anniversary and we were trying to decide what in the world we were going to do. In the end we decided to get Maddi a babysitter and take Wyatt back to the zoo now that he knows the names and sounds of many zoo animals.

So bright and early we loaded into the car and went to Columbus. Maddi was dropped off at my best friend's house for the day and the three of us headed to the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. Wyatt had a BLAST this time. I think when we took him last time, at around 13 months, it was too young. He liked it but wasn't to the point that he got all excited when we pulled up to an exhibit.

His favorites were the Elephants, the Rhinos, the Apes, the Okapi and the Stingrays. We had watched a Go, Diego, Go! episode the other day that showcased the Okapi and when we pulled up I said "Look, Wyatt, and Okapi!" He was so excited he almost broke his neck trying to look over the fence. One came over really close and Wyatt just stared at it forever. When we started to walk away he started yelling "KAAAAPI!! KAPI!" It was too cute. Before we left we bought him a stuffed Okapi at the gift shop and he has slept with it the last 2 nights.

B and M, who were keeping Maddi, met us with Maddi at BD's Mongolian Barbeque for dinner. I had never been and was nervous since I tend not to experiment too much with food. It was AMAZING! I was so glad we tried it!

All in all it was an excellent way to spend our wedding anniversary! I can't wait to take them back when Maddi is bigger so she gets to experience it. If we lived closer we would have a membership.

Trying to pet the stingray

Kissing the bronze elephant. He was just looking but as I took the picture he decided to kiss it. I love that he picked the tip of its trunk!

Are you as tall as a tiger?
Donating money to save the tigers. Every time you drop in a coin it played a recorded tiger growl and he LOVED it! It was too cute. He would have broke us putting coins in if we had let him!
Getting off the train. He has developed an obsession with all things

train lately so this was SO exciting for him!

Feeding the goats...


Sarah said...

Happy Anniversary! Glad you had a great time at the zoo and at dinner. :)

Mama Bear said...

I'm a little late but Happy Anniversary!! Sounds like you guy had fun! :) My Hubbs and I will celebrate our anniversary this month too!!
Can't wait to ship you your order!!!