Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Some randomness

I have a few random things to say but didn't know where to put them so they get their own post

  1. I have been adding even more words as I remember them to Wyatt's vocabulary list and I just can't believe how large it is getting! Also, I forgot to do his 19 month post on the 12th so that is coming soon!

  2. I also added some pictures to the Zoo post now that I have uploaded my photo software to my new laptop so check those out! There is some cuteness involved! =)

  3. I ordered some ADORABLE bows from a "bloggy friend" for Maddi and I am IN LOVE! Ignore the slobber in the pictures! I have hopes that she isn't trying to teeth already but there is just so much drool going on!

4. Not this past saturday but the one before I went to my best friend B's house to learn to crochet. A few days after I started my first project, a blanket for Maddi since it can be smaller than what one for Wyatt will need to be. Here it is:

I wasn't sure about the yellow, thinking I should have gone with a softer yellow, but as the blanket progresses I am really starting to like it.

5. A week before I had Maddi my mom took my horse to her house so she could send him to a trainer for me. I was SO behind on getting him broke because shortly after I started him, I found out I was pregnant with Wyatt. Then not long after I healed from having him and started to get into a routine, I got pregnant with Madelinn. So, my mom, being the wonderful person she is, decided to take Check to her house and pay to have him sent to a trainer. He spent a month with the trainer and got his first set of shoes on while there (the guy was a farrier). Apparently the trainer loved him SO much he wanted to trade his stud, a horse he had had for MANY years and loved dearly, for him. This past wednesday I got to experience it myself. Mom was camping and had him there with her so I drove down to try him out. He did AMAZING! He is so great and I can't wait to get him home to ride here! Now I just have to find a riding buddy.

6. I got the kids' halloween costumes together in the last few days and I am so stinkin' excited! I LOVE halloween and wish I had a reason to dress up! Wyatt is going to be a cowboy which is so fitting for him since he loves horses right now. Here he is at Nana's:

Maddi is going to be a cow... hehehehe.. I thought it was a cute combo!

I think that is all for now! =)


Sarah said...

Wow, I didn't know you were a horseback rider! My best friend from high school was too.

Those bows are adorable, and you did a great job on the blanket. I wish I had skills like that.

I can't wait to see their Halloween costumes!

Mama Bear said...

OMG, Maddi's level of cuteness is THROUGH.THE.ROOF!!! She is too dang cute! Mr Wyatt too! Him and Noah would be BFF for sure if we lived close by. HAHA
I'm so excited that you learned to crochet. Check out youtube.com and search for crochet tutorials. You'll find so many videos on how to make things and to learn differnt crochet patterns. Your blanket is looking really good! I like the brightness of all the colors together.
Can't wait to see the costumes on the kids. ;) Hubbs wants Noah to be a Mummy and said he'll just wrap him up in toilet paper...LOL