Sunday, September 13, 2009

Vocabulary at 18 months

Here is a list of words I have been compiling of Wyatt's Vocabulary at 18 months. These are all words that are known to him by sight of the object or person without any prompting.


"Mom-E"- Mommy with a HUGE empahsis on the "E"






"Day-sha"- My aunt Stacia

"Nanie"- Grannie

"Am-Maw"- Grandma


"Nana"- Banana

"Papple"- Apple

"Pape"- Grape

"Druit"- bowls of mixed fruit

"Mu-mum-er"- Cucumber




"Mato"- Tomato




"An Akes"- Pancakes

"Druit"- Fruit

"Deggs"- Eggs

Animals: (The ones in red he also knows the sound for them)









"Drog"- Frog




"Peppo"- Hippo


"Mama"- Llama





"Ouse"- Mouse





"Mehr-mane"- Airplane

"Druk"- Truck

"Nain"- Train



"Do-Dyke-al"- Motorcycle


"Dar-Druk"- Fire truck

"Mi" - Semi

"Del Dopter"-Helicopter

"Am mance"- Ambulance



At the moment I know I am missing a TON of words and I will add as I think of them. I need to go through his books and write them down as I do.

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