Sunday, September 13, 2009

18 months

Wyatt is 18 months! One and a half. When did this happen?!?! He is such an amazing little boy and I am SO SO blessed to have him in my life. I don't know how I got so lucky to have him.

As of right now he is pretty much completely in 24 month clothing and size 7.5-8 shoes. He is also in size 5 diapers.

Lately he has been transitioning lately from 2 naps to one. He is still pretty tired in the evening but we have been holding him off so that he doesn't nap two hours before bedtime but sometimes he really, really needs it. Most days we are just down to one though and I am not sure how I feel about that. LOL

His favorite books are still Brown bear, brown bear and Polar bear, polar bear. He will hand it to one of us and say "thank you" and will wait for us to read it. If we don't start immediately he will start to "cry" until we open it and begin reading and he becomes all smiles. Little manipulator. I am really glad that he is so interested in books but I am going to have to get the other books that are similar like Baby bear, baby bear so that we have some variety.

Jeremy and I were making a list the other day of words that he knows by sight of the object and we were up around 100+. It is insane. Many of them you may not know what they are unless you know them but he knows what they are when he sees them and is sure to tell you. Like cucumber being "Mu-mum-er." If he sees one or a picture of one that is what he says so I know that is what he means. He amazes me.

His favorite tv shows are Sid the Science Kid, Super Why!, Yo Gabba Gabba, and anything with skateboards or motorcycles.

That is about all for now but up next is a post with all of his words!

Also, for anyone who has flown with a little one are there any tips? I think we are flying in february and it is going to be all 4 of us (8 month old and 23 month old).

1 comment:

AshlieB said...

So fun! He is doing so good :-)
We fly quite often and couldn't do it without the portable DVD player and tons of snack options and sippy. I bring books, quite toys, dum dum suckers for emergency situations, sani hands for after the sucker LOL. I just have a whole back pack of "ammo" I can use...full of all his favorite things. Good luck!