Thursday, September 24, 2009

Little Miss Mad Maddi is 2 months old!

Well, today is Maddi's official 2 month birthday... (She will actually be 9 weeks tomorrow). I can't believe time is flying like it is! We haven't been to her 2 month appointment yet so I am not sure about her measurements. At 6 weeks she was 22.75 inches which was 90th percentile and 10 pounds and 14 ounces which was 80th percentile. I am guessing, using the very scientific "step on a scale while holding baby and then weigh yourself" method, that she is around 12 pounds and 6 ounces and I am not too certain about length. She still fits into her 0-3 months clothing really well.

She has been doing excellent! "Talking" all the time and smiling constantly! She is eating around 6 ounces every 3 hours during the day though sometimes she doesn't even finish that! She is nothing like her brother was in that regard! She is also sleeping from around 11pm until about 6am in the morning, sometimes longer! That is so great! I am so glad that I was blessed with great sleepers because Mommy really likes her sleep.

She has been having some "fits" in the evening around every 3 days right before bed but I think that has something to do with being overstimulated and just needing an outlet to wind down her day!

I will do another post when we get better measurements and percentiles on her on Tuesday. I am anxious to see how she is growing but NOT looking foward to her shots!

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