Sunday, September 13, 2009

Just a quick update

There isn't a whole lot going on around here lately but I have noticed that if I don't write every few days I will get out of the habit!

So a bit on each of us:

I started back to school last Tuesday and so far it is going OK. I only took two classes this quarter because of Maddi being so small that I have to get 2 babysitters every time I leave. I have Physics (which is my last class that isn't an education class) and my Social Studies Methods which basically teaches the best ways to teach Social Studies. I think it is going to be a relatively easy class but I am pretty sure I am going to work pretty hard at physics in order to get a B. I haven't had anything below an A- since the quarter before Wyatt was born and I hate to break that streak but I just know physics is going to do it for me. I am determined to get that B though.

I also started my diet on Tuesday. I have been talking about doing it since I was pregnant with Maddi so I waited until right after my birthday and took the plunge. I am doing a low-carb diet since that is the only thing that has worked for me in the past and it is pretty quick. I get REALLY discouraged if I don't see changes pretty fast and I quit so I have to do something that shows me quick results. So far I have lost around 6 pounds which isn't so bad in less than a week. Hopefully it continues to work for me.

Jeremy has just been working his tail off. He is in his third year of his electrical apprenticeship and really loves it. I am glad that he decided to do this rather than go back into the USAF. I know he loves the military but I just don't think I could do it on my own right now if he were to deploy so luckily he found another well-paying job in electrical work. He has been a tad bit stressed the last week trying to find someone to fix our big truck so that we have another nice vehicle and something to pull the horse trailer with. Something happened to the axle and we are hoping to have it fixed by this weekend. YAY!

Wyatt turned 18 months old yesterday and that is most definitely deserving of its own post but I am still working on it. I want to do something on his vocabulary and I have been adding words as I go. Maybe I will just go ahead and do a post and then do a separate one when I finally get the list finished....

Maddi has been such a sweet little girl lately. She still has her moments where she gets overwhelmed and cries it out but they are quickly under control. Over the last couple of weeks she has really started to coo and "talk" to us. Smiles are getting much more predictable which is great because we are having new pictures done in the next couple of weeks.

Well, that is about it! Think I am going to type up a quick 18 month post on Wyatt really quick and then hit the sack.

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