Tuesday, January 13, 2009

10 months old!

Rotten Ralphie the day after he turned 10 months

It is so hard to believe that Wyatt is 10 months old already! It is crazy to think that this little guy that is all over the house is the same baby that I brought home from the hospital 10 months ago. It is amazing the little person he has turned into. He has his own distinct personality and likes and dislikes. It makes me sad to think he is growing up so quickly but also excited to see what he is going to become.

As of right now he is in mainly all 18 month clothing, size 5 shoes, size 4 diapers and is right around 31" and 26-27 pounds.

He also has 4 teeth through, 2 on top and 2 on bottom, as well as trying to cut 2 more on top.

Milestones for month 9:

Began walking alone

Still doesn't want Mommy to leave the room, even if he is off playing by himself and still gets extremely excited when Daddy is home with us

He learned a couple of new words this month. He now loves to point at things and say "that" or "dat" as it is and also "bath" or "bap" as he says it! =)

He is also completely off the bottle now and takes all formula from a sippy cup

All big people food now, no more baby food!

He loves to

read with Mommy and Daddy. He just got a bunch of new books that he likes to turn the pages as we read.

Still loves to pick on poor Max and pull on his hair and collar.

Stand at the window and watch the wind blow as well as Daddy working outside.

Feed himself

Eat off from Mommy's plate.

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