Sunday, August 16, 2009

Worst Blogger EVER!

Yea, that's me! I am the worst blogger ever! Granted I had a TON going on since my last post with starting a super packed summer quarter (and making all A's, yay, me!) and having a baby and all! LOL..

So that is the big news, Baby Girl was born. Madelinn Grace came into the world on July 24, 2009 at 6:54 pm. She topped the scales and 8 pounds and 11 ounces and 21 inches long. So far she is proving to be a "good" baby in the terms of everyone who asks. She is just over 3 weeks old but only really wakes up one time in the middle of the night. She cries more than Wyatt ever did but he was odd and I don't think I REALLY heard him cry until he was a few months old. She certainly makes herself heard but she pretty much has to because with a 17 month old brother to take up much of Mommy and Daddy's energy she would probably get lost in the shuffle if not. (Not that we would REALLY forget about her, but you know what I mean!)

Wyatt is adjusting quite well and pretty much ignores her most of the time. He is actually much better than I expected it to be. I had kind of assumed that I was going to spend a lot of time protecting her from his curiosity but it actually amounts to a very small portion of time spent. He likes to point out her ears, eyes, mouth, and toes and we have to remind him to be gentle then but he is pretty good reminding himself most of the time. He also likes to kiss her and rub her while saying "Awww, baby" so that is very cute. Whenever he encounters someone he likes to show them where she is and calls her "baaaaaBy" or "baby sister" which comes out more like "baby didtr" which is also incredibly cute.

I am also coping very well. I will post her birth story soon but, as I am sure you know, I am staying quite busy. I was worried about adjusting to having 2 children under 1.5 and also attending school but it is actually working out quite well. Since Maddi sleeps quite often still and Wyatt naps very well we are all settling into a routine. That is until Maddi actually settles and throws it all out of wack!

Wyatt also turned 17 months a few days ago on the 12th but that deserves an entire "milestone" post on its own so I will start working on that as well. I also want to do a post on everything that he says and how he says it for future reference but I think that will require a lot of time to compile and remember them all because he says SO much. He is quite the little sponge.

Last but not least, school. I finished the first session of summer and am still working on an online class that will end in a couple of weeks. I actually finished classes 2 days before I had Maddi and was VERY uncomfortable at the end but it was worth it to get done. As I said above I finished with a 4.0 first session and so far have an A in my summer class as well. I am now down to 5 classes and student teaching. Whoo Hoo! Almost done!

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