Sunday, August 16, 2009

17 Months

I CAN NOT believe that my little boy is 17 months old. I am sure that I say that every month but it is so hard to believe that he is growing up so fast. It seems like just yesterday that I had them and here we are just 7 months away from his second birthday. It is absoulte craziness.

He is such a joy but is starting to hit the toddler issues that every toddler has. He is getting to be a finicky eater when he would eat anything I put in front of him before. He sometimes will turn his head away from something that I KNOW that he likes and I have to pop the fork into his mouth when he is going for a drink to trick him to taste it. After that he will usually eat away. About the only thing that he NEVER turns his head away from is fruit in any form, the kid still loves it.

He is still such a sweet little boy who is almost always happy and has a smile for anyone and everyone. He LOVES riding on the 4 wheeler or tractor as he calls it with daddy and will cry when we take him off of it. He also cries when we bring him in from outside as he also LOVES being outside. He is an absolute daddy's boy right now and loves to rough house and do everything that daddy does. He loves anything associated with tractors (or anything with wheels for that matter) and animals. I can't wait to take him back to the zoo and aquarium now that he knows the names of so many animals and the sounds they make.

He picks up on so much and is saying SO many words right now. All of the words may not be completely understood by everyone but Jeremy and I usually know what it means. I am going to work on a post with all of the words he knows. I would like to have it written down for future reference. I am thinking of having all of this made into a book and I also pull information from here to the baby book so it will be nice to have it.

Recently he has become very interested in letters and can point out all of the letters in his first name as well as "O" any place that he comes across them. I am so proud of my little boy!

He just moved up to size 5 diapers, wears size 7-8 shoes and is pretty much completely in 24 month clothing. We have done some rough measuring lately and he is right around 33 inches and 30 or 31 pounds. He is such a big boy and has been mistaken for both a 2 and a 3 year old recently.

1 comment:

AshlieB said...

It sounds like our little guys would be great friends. You practically described my kiddo in this post :-). I love reading about all he is doing keep it up!