Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Post of Randomness

This is going to be a bullet post because there is so much going on and none of it links together!

  • I am a little depressed right now over some news my hubby told me last night. The Emmitt House, the restaraunt we have gone to for every Valentine's Day and Anniversary since we have been together has closed! I am so sad to hear this! Our wedding and dating anniversary are both coming up and I figured we would go there for at least one. It is almost a tradition for us at this point. Apparently, they had been trying to sell it for awhile but were asking too much because of the location (teeny tiny town). I guess it is for sure now though because The Moose club went over and bought all of their food, wine, and liquor for a very small amount. The ending of an era, I suppose, we have to make a new tradition.

  • I am pretty sure that I have been getting some "actual" smiles from Maddi in the last couple of days. I was unsure at first but as of today I think I am getting responses to my smiles! Too cute!

  • Speaking of Maddi, she is still doing pretty well at night. I got one other night of sleeping all night and the past two nights she has woken for a feeding at 4:30 and then she is good until around 8:30-9:00. I can't complain. If I get to sleep most of the night with a one month old I can't complain!
  • She is also one month old today! It isn't technically one month until the 24th but this is the fourth friday since she was born. That is a whole post in itself though.
  • Also, my birthday is coming up as well. September 4th. I can't believe I am about to be 24. I actually had to add it up the other day because I couldn't remember how old I was going to be this year. How crazy is that? I guess it tells you how busy I am right now.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Aw, I hope you find a new restaurant to go to! That stinks. I'd be sad if our favorite place closed (we don't go there too often, but it's one of those "Mom and Pops" type places).

Yay for smiles from Maddi! That is so awesome. I felt like that was such a huge milestone when Andrew was a baby. I loved making him smile!