Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Life with 2 kids under 1.5

I am starting to realize that having two kids of this age isn't as difficult (at least at the moment) as I thought it would be. There are the occasional times when both are crying for one thing or another and I have to assess the needs and decide who to take care of first but I am not as angsty as I thought I was going to be. I HATE to hear my kids cry but I have two children now and sometimes one just needs you more.

Wyatt is doing great as a big brother. Lately he has taken to wanting to read Polar Bear, Polar Bear and Brown Bear, Brown bear over and over, and OVER. He cries when I don't want to read it and has actually tossed it at Maddi and I as she is eating but when I do go start reading it he gets the BIGGEST smile and runs in place and squeals. I am not really sure why all of a sudden these books are his favorite but I am just glad he loves to read. I need to get a few more of those books so that I can get some variety. I already have these two memorized!

Madelinn slept all night last night! I couldn't believe it. I put her in her swing, which is her preferred place to sleep for the first 4 hour stretch of night, right after her bath around 10:30pm and didn't get a peep from her until a few minutes before 6am. Hopefully it isn't a one time occurance. I will worry about breaking the swing habit sometime soon but as for now we all need our sleep!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Totally jealous of the 8 hour stretch! I have gotten a 5 hour stretch once, but mostly we get 3 1/2 to 4 hour stretches at night.

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