Friday, August 21, 2009

One Month Old

My little girl is one month old today! It is going by so quickly. She is melding so well into our new family of four so well it seems like she has always been here. As I write she is sleeping in her swing beside the bed.

She is right now in 0-3 month clothes (nb only lasted 2.5 weeks), size 1 diapers, and is a pretty good sleeper. She has surprised me with a couple of nights of sleeping all night as I mentioned in some posts before now. She is starting to smile but I have yet to be able to catch it on camera. She has also been tracking me with her eyes as I move around when she is in her bouncy seat or swing in the last few days. I am not sure what her weight and length are just now but her one month appointment is on September 3 so I will update then. I will also add pictures hopefully tomorrow because my camera is dead today.

I am getting ready to post my birth story for her. I need to find Wyatt's and post it as well so I have it on record just in case something were to happen to the computer but I am on a different laptop at the moment.

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