Sunday, April 26, 2009

Doctor Appointment for Maddi

We had a doctor appointment for baby Maddi Friday the 24th. It was a combined appointment for my glucose test and a prenatal checkup. Jeremy got off work early that day and decided to meet me at the doctor's office. He has been to the ultrasounds with me but hadn't been able to make it to an appointment yet so this was his first time meeting my new doctor. Since he was going to meet me, I decided that I was not going to get a babysitter for W. I don't know what I was thinking! I completely forgot that the glucose was a 1 hour wait and that his lunch and a couple of books probably wouldn't keep him entertained for that long. Oh well, it's over with now.

I made a stop at Kohl's on the way to the doctor and got W some really cute little black Nike sandals. They were on sale so I really wanted to get them for him. I ended up having to get the little booger an 8!! The 6 wouldn't fit and they didn't have a 7 and he was walking around well in an 8 so at least I know that he will have some time in them. The kid's foot grows SO fast! By the time we got out to the car I realized that I only had 10 minutes to get across town in traffic to my appointment. Apparently I did not time this trip well. I rushed across town and while J was getting W out of the car I rushed into the hospital, up the stairs, and made it to the office right on time somehow.

They had me leave my urine sample (man, does that get old) and then gave me my choice of drink. I HATE orange pop and that is what the orange glucola tastes like. When I had to do 2 of these with W that was all my old office offered so I decided to mix it up and get the lemon-lime. I am so glad I did. It basically tasted like water with lemon and seeing as it was 1:20pm and I hadn't eaten yet, it was much easier on my stomach than orange would have been.

They then weighed me (only up 6.5 lbs) and took me back to the room. They did my blood pressure and if I remember correctly it was 117/80 which is a bit high for me but I am sure it had something to do with the rush across town and the run up the stairs. Dr.B was really quick to come in and do my check. Forgot to ask her the heart rate. I really, really like her as my doctor but sometimes I hate that I have to pull information out of her. She then measured my uterus and I asked her if I was measuring all right. This is the first time that I have remembered to ask and she tells me that I am still measuring big. Well, that's the first I have heard that. I asked her how big and she said about 4 above... Is that cm I wonder? Anyways, she says that if I continue to measure big they may do another ultrasound to determine size and possibly a new due date? She asked me how big W was. I told her and didn't think much of it until she was gone but even though he was big, my uterus never measured larger than it was supposed to with him. I am just crossing my fingers that I even out. I was so hopeful that she was going to be smaller than him by quite a bit. I thought the small weight gain and such would indicate that. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

After all of this we were starving so we headed over to lunch and then came home and relaxed for a bit. I love days that I get to spend with my boys. It is going to be so odd that I won't be able to say that anymore before too long.

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