Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My baby is One

Starting the tradition of Birthday Pancakes. I promised him they will get much more fun!

I can't believe that my little man is turning one year old! It is so insane to think that at this time last year I had finally met my baby and was getting to eat for the first time in over 24 hours! Anything for my baby boy, though! He is growing so much.

He is still in a size 4 diaper, mostly 18 month clothing, and 5.5 shoes.

He still takes anywhere between 2-3 naps a day at around 1-2 hours each.

Milestones for month 11:

Says multiple words including: Juice, Tractor, baby, bubble, and chicken.

He actually knows what these are.

If I say get me the baby book, or the tractor book, or the snake book, or the bubble book he can bring me the correct one.

When you ask what the snake says or what the pig says he makes the corresponding sound

He is finally coordinated enough to squat and play with toys without falling over.

He is incredibly proficient at walking now and is trying his hand at running! Oh my!

He loves to blow kisses

His favorite things are:

To follow me around the house while I clean

To walk around the house carrying a wrapping paper roll left over from Christmas

To chase the dogs around the house and let them lick his face, much to mommy's horror!

To talk up a storm

To eat at the table with Mommy and Daddy

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