Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Only one night?

Really? I was expecting at least a week. Apparently, that is how long it took him to get over his binkie. I am so proud! At around 6 months we decided the binkie was only for naps and bedtimes. Then around a week or so later we decided that it was only going to be for bedtime. It has been at that since then and it has worked for us but I then decided that it was time to get rid of it for good. With baby Maddi Grace coming in July I wanted to make sure that he wasn't trying to take her's during the day when he hasn't had one during the day in a very long time. Also, I didn't want him to have another huge change at the same time, or shortly after, she comes home.

We put him down Sunday night with no binkie with lots of tears and whining so we tried the "cutting" technique, where we cut the tip off the binkie so it doesn't feel the same in his mouth. He was pretty upset about it and kept taking it in and out of his mouth, again, with more tears. After about 20 minutes of attempting to rub his back so he would sleep that was unsuccessful because he isn't used to being bothered once he is put into bed, I just shut the door and left. Around 5 minutes later we didn't hear another peep out of him until the next morning.

Monday night we took him into his room, put the cut binkie into his hand, he tried to put it into his mouth and realized it was the "broken" one and took it out again, not another peep until morning. The success of that night made me wonder if maybe he had just adapted to sucking on the binkie with the tip cut off so we made another change for Tuesday night. We cut more off.

Tuesday night he went to bed and after trying it one time went to sleep with not one peep.

I am so proud of my little boy! He is such a good little guy! I knew he could do it because he goes down fine for naps without it but I didn't know if HE knew he could do it. Apparently he did. I can't believe how amazingily lucky we are.

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