Wednesday, May 13, 2009

14 months old!

My baby boy turned 14 months old yesterday! I just can't believe how quickly he is getting older! He is still my happy go lucky little boy and his personality is growing each day.

He is still in size 4 diapers, 18-24 month clothing, size 6-7 shoes, and seems to be growing like a weed but we (hopefully) won't have to see the doctor again until he is 18 months old. He still takes 2-2hour naps a day and sometimes another short one in the evening. He really likes his beauty sleep.

He is learning so many new things every day that it is incredibly hard to keep up. He can now tell us where his ear, nose, and toes are and in a book he has that has 100 pictures and the words that correspond with them; he can name around 20-25 of them. I am also amazed because he can see a cartoon image of something, say a cow, or a picture of a cow, or an actual cow and he can tell us what it is. Even though they usually can be very different looking. He can do that with various things such as dogs, cats, cows, horses. He is such a smarty pants. He still loves to read and brings us books probably 10-15 times a day to read to him.

He is even more independent than ever and will play on his own most of the time and will just come and "check" on us throughout the day.

One of his new favorite activities is to ride the 4 wheeler, or Tractor as Wyatt likes to call it. He will stare out the window saying "tractor" over and over and making engine noises. Also, we brought my horse, Check, home so now he spends a lot of time at the back window saying "Horsie" over and over as well. He loves to go to the barn with us to see the horsie up close.

I am sure there is much more, but that is all for now because I can hear him waking up from his nap. We have to make a trip to town for some diapers..

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