Sunday, March 22, 2009

Wyatt: A Year in Review

I have been wanting to do this but haven't had a chance until now. These are pictures from each month since my baby was born....

Wyatt at a little under a day old

Wyatt at one month old. Mommy was trying to get him to smile for the camera

My Cool Dude at 2 Months old
Wyatt at 3 Months Old

My little one at 4 Months in his crib

The day he turned 5 months old. At the park for the first time!

My big boy at 6 months old. He couldn't pull up yet but if you put him somewhere he would stand forever!

7 Months old. Trick-or-Treating
8 months. One of his favorite books
He has discovered his love of sports. 9 Months
My beautiful Blue eyed boy... 10 months
11 Months old.. Valentines day

Birthday Celebration on his 1st. Party wasn't until 2 days later so he HAD to have cake! ;)

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