Wednesday, January 7, 2009

He is Officially Walking!

As of January 3, 2008, Wyatt began walking officially. I had known he could do it for awhile as his distances without getting down to crawl were getting longer and longer but I waited until he made the transition from crawling more to walking more before I declared him "walking." =)... We are SO proud of him! He gets so excited when we ask him to walk to one of us and he can! He just gets a big smile, puts those arms up for balance, and takes off. It is so amazing to think how far he has come and how much he has learned in the last almost 10 months! Just to think that a mere 9 months ago he was this cute little lump of baby that was just learning how to smile! And to think his first birthday is right around the corner. Give mommy a tissue because she IS NOT ready!!!

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